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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:57 pm
by Artemis
I just got home.

I thought the show was okay. 6.5/10

I don't have the set list but I think it was the same as the last show.

Perhaps Tyler D. will have a better review since he was in the front row.

Sorry that I don't have more for you, but I felt the show was really on the dull side. It wasn't bad, but nothing memorable either.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:05 pm
by creep
that's as bad as one of my reviews


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:10 pm
by farrellgirl99

this thread has made me depressed.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:17 pm
by Artemis
Well , for starters I didn't feel the sound was very good. I had the first row of the first balcony(the equivalent of about 15 rows back from the stage) so it should have been decent but it sounded kind of muffled for most of the show.

I felt the the band was just going through the numbers - no soul, no passion.

Three Days and Ocean Size were the best.

Jane Says sounded like shit, imo.

Underground- soso.

The highlight of my evening was the restaurant I went for dinner before the show.



Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:20 pm
by tvrec
I enjoyed the show, but it certainly wasn't fantastic. Perry confessed to having lost his voice, and his vocals were off most the night, predominantly behind a tic or two from the beat. I thought "Three Days" was really the only centerpiece or standout. The set list was the same as it has been, with "IF" switched out for "EttL."

I don't want to bemoan what has been moaned about so much, but it was truly strange to see ELF mic in hand more than once ("Underground" and "Words"--maybe another). Dave singing harmony on "Underground" was actually pretty interesting.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:23 pm
by Tyler Durden
The setlist was the same but they replaced Irresistible Force with End To The Lies.

I had a good time. As I stated in another thread, I got to shake Perry's hand a couple of times and we did some fist bumps. I also got Dave's pick. As I said to Artemis on Facebook, Jane's is NOT the same band (at all) from 1986-1991; even with those three guys...they are now different people, with different motivations, and time having changed. I enjoyed it for what it was. Wasn't taking it too seriously.

Perry looked like he was really having a fun time. Dave played great but isn't very engaging (except with the odd slut in the front row, haha); it's like he's afraid to make eye contact.

Etty with a mic for backup = LAME.

Also, most of the "theatrical" performance stuff was forgettable. The weird mannequin thing with human legs pushing the cart or carriage was cool though.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:31 pm
by creep
still no one blown away by any of these shows. that's pretty odd for this band. we still have bman coming up though .


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:34 pm
by Tyler Durden
creep wrote:still no one blown away by any of these shows. that's pretty odd for this band. we still have bman coming up though .

Nah. I'll never be flown away by them. Not without a time machine set for the original heyday.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:41 pm
by Tyler Durden
I must be old. Not only do/did I have no desire to mosh (no one was anyway)...but just having been around a bunch of strange people, I must shower and get their dirty film off of me. Mixing with the masses is gross; I feel disgusting.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:20 am
by Warped
I get more and more sad when reading the reviews from people here. WTF is going on with them? Even the pics did not amaze me. Perry looks old and washed up and Dave - dude get a haircut, i hate that long hair :no:
Etty on the mic - great. Chaney and Perkins: hmm okay then. :noclue:

I am starting to think it is better to not go see them this year...:banghead:




Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:16 am
by Larry B.
Artemis wrote: The highlight of my evening was the restaurant I went for dinner before the show.
Here, Jane's.

When someone who likes your (past) music prefers a restaurant over your live act... you're doing something wrong. Or almost everything wrong.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:43 am
by Bandit72
I think we're going to get the "Three Days was the best song on the night" a lot because on the whole, it's instrumental.

Fell a bit deflated after hearing the show was poor.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:40 am
by Desri
Is Dave wearing the weird JA merch key? If so that is pretty weird. It's kind of a distinct shape because of the sloppy cast, only reason I would even think it was the same piece.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:44 am
by Artemis
Here is a good review 3.5/4 ... 34581.html
Massey Hall, Toronto - Feb. 27, 2012
By Jane Stevenson, QMI Agency

TORONTO - Perry Farrell called Jane’s Addiction’s 2011 album, The Great Escape Artist - their first collection of original material in eight years - because he’s always trying to escape his storied past, as the founder of alt-rock festival Lollapalooza, among other things.

And yet, Farrell, now 52, was up to his crazy old familiar ways on Monday night at Massey Hall as Jane’s Addiction - rounded out guitarist Dave Navarro and drummer Stephen Perkins, along with Chris Chaney on bass - put on a 90-minute show big on theatrical production with a muddled middle despite a strong beginning and end.

Note: Before the alt-rock icons played a single note, a large group of women were led across the stage by what appeared to be a roadie and Pink Floyd’s Welcome To The Machine played while ghostly red lights were beamed out into the audience.

What it all meant was anybody’s guess, but it certainly suggested, at the very least, the sex-fuelled night of rock ‘n’ roll that was to come.

Farrell, dressed in head-to-toe black including a black leather jacket, fingerless gloves and designer track pants with a low crotch, began the evening in strong voice with the new song, Undergound, from The Great Escape Artist, an accomplished album under-represented in the set with just four songs.

Instead, the tight-sounding band - it took just 10 minutes for black leather pants-wearing Navarro to lose his shirt and show off his numerous tattoos while displaying his “mighty” guitar skills as Farrell called them - concentrated mainly on their ‘80s-’90s output.

The audience, on their feet from the beginning, lapped up such classics as Mountain Song, Been Caught Stealing, Jane Says (with Perkins on steel drums), and Stop along with fan favourites Just Because, Ocean Size, and a marathon version of Three Days.

But the distractions were many, including nonsensical talk from a potty-mouthed Farrell, who swigged from a bottle of red wine - “tonight we all get circumcisions!” was the tamest of his proclamations - and ‘50s-era S&M pornography that was projected onto three video screens during oldie but goodie Ted, Just Admit it.

Farrell, who has always liked the idea of two women, going back to the provocative album cover of Jane’s Addiction 1998 debut, Nothing’s Shocking, was dwarfed by a sculpture of two naked women behind him, and there were also two live women on stage who alternately sat on swings, donned S&M gear and spanked each other (Farrell also spanked one of the girls), or strode around wearing black leather bustiers while wielding canes.

There was also a stuffed bear, a man dresssed in a white hood and white tux and tails who alternately hung or beat up baby dolls on stage during the new song, Twisted Tales, before his own mock suicide, a guy dressed as a human sized crow and a creepy robot-slash-human who pushed a baby carriage across the stage.

It was meant to be thought provoking, but not all of it worked.

And the show took a turn for the worse when it slowed down considerably in the middle as the musicians gathered at the front of the stage to perform slower songs like Classic Girl, and I Would For You, with both Navarro and Chaney seated.

As for Farrell, when he wasn’t talking, he was a hyper, whirling dervish of energy, whether he was twirling, tap dancing, shaking a tambourine or maracas up on speakers or hi-fiving audience members at the front of the stage.

I left the venue thinking Perry Farrell, still crazy after all these years, God bless him.



Mountain Song

Just Because

Been Caught Stealing

Ain’t No Right

Ted, Just Admit It

Twisted Tales

Classic Girl

Jane Says

I Would For You

End To The Lies

Three Days



Words Right Out Of My Mouth

Ocean Size


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:04 am
by Larry B.
People from ANR should go with a sign that says "END TO THE LIES IS (PARTIALLY) ABOUT ME!"


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:29 am
by Leto
Thanks for the review Artemis. What did you have for dinner?

Nevermind, that sounds creepy. :lol:


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:09 am
by Romeo
It was meant to be thought provoking, but not all of it worked
I think this line pretty sums up the shows


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:01 am
by farrellgirl99
i think bman might have had the right idea by avoiding everyone on this site until the show :lol:

im not saying i dont believe you guys, but it's disheartening to go in knowing it's not working so well.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:08 am
by Bandit72
farrellgirl99 wrote:
im not saying i dont believe you guys, but it's disheartening to go in knowing it's not working so well.
Thing is, most people on this board are the bands worst and best critics. You may as well get the truth here first :hehe:


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:30 am
by Hokahey
I agree that not every part of the act works well, but none of it is detrimental to the show, and it all "feels" very P4P era to me. The fact that the main actor working with the band (bird man, white magician) toured with P4P as well probably adds to that.

With both the album and the live show this feels like a fairly natural progression for Perry to me.

I'm not sure there's much these guys could do to blow us away at this point. Perry is 52 years old, and I think for where these guys are at and what they've been through to this point they've done a solid job with both the album and the tour for it.

I noticed that a lot of old fans at the St. Louis show that haven't followed these guys' every move over the years were perfectly happy with the show, and these were people that last saw them on the Ritual tour. I think we're a little too jaded to appreciate this show as much as people that haven't been up these guy's asses so much they know the stink.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:21 am
by Romeo
I don't think they need to do much.
Look how happy everyone was with a simple act of adding classic girl & would for you into a acoustic set. :noclue:

The busby berkeley extravaganza isn't so much necessary anymore


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:31 am
by Hokahey
Romeo wrote:I don't think they need to do much.
Apparently they do considering no one has been "blown away." I guess my point was I'm not sure they could blow us away at this point, both because of their age and our bitterness.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:41 am
by Romeo
at this point I doubt I will ever be "blown away" by Janes. But I carry low expectations :lol: I knew that 09 would shoot down anything there after. Perry's voice was pretty shot then. It wasn't going to be getting any better.

The closest I got to blown away in recent years was the Vegas show in 09. I wasn't blown away but they were so "on" that night, even Perry.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:42 am
by Hype ... o-toronto/
Speaking of Navarro, for a guy who spends so much time screwing around on reality television shows in his spare time, he is remarkably not-ridiculous on stage — a fact made even more impressive considering his insistence on wearing studded leather butt-huggers (he is 44 years old) and his inability to don a shirt for more than 10 minutes (he popped off his oppressive top, which began the evening unbuttoned, before the third song). Despite these ostensible deal-breakers, every live performance seems to serve as penance for, among other things, his two seasons as a judge on CBS’s Rock Star series. He preens, he poses, he marches shirtlessly and shows off a chiseled body trapped in time while pealing off distorted pentatonic scales, and yet, it’s mesmerizing: He’s earned every inch of the Rock God aura he exudes, and he embodies it so fully that he makes it impossible to hate what is, at face value, a grab-bag of such thoroughly detestable traits.

Balancing Navarro’s maddening coolness, though, is Farrell’s manic, vibrating energy, which, at least on stage, comes across as something like pure joy. During a break in the third song of the night, Just Because off 2001′s Strays, he took a moment to say hi the crowd, bouncing from side to side and waving and smiling in a way that, for many 52-year-olds, might have carried a whiff of affected childlike preciousness, but here came off as legitimate excitement. He’s also heartwarmingly filthy; about 95% of his stage banter revolved around crude non sequitur sex jokes. (“Can I f— you? … For all you know, I already am.” Cool, thanks!)
:lol: (The article was generally okay, but they get the year of Strays wrong there...)
Set list:

I Would For You
:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :confused:


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:46 am
by LJF
hokahey wrote:
Romeo wrote:I don't think they need to do much.
Apparently they do considering no one has been "blown away." I guess my point was I'm not sure they could blow us away at this point, both because of their age and our bitterness.

I joined sonny's site a few weeks before it all went up in flames. But enough time to be called just about everything by six7six7, so I don't have the history with the band that most regulars on here do. I'm glad for that, because it seems you all have seen too much, but even for those of us who didn't experience that I agree that it would be hard for them to blow us away. This isn't the same band that I saw in Spring 91, they are much older and their attitudes are much different. When I go see them next Tuesday I'm not expecting them to blow me away, I'm looking to be entertained and come away glad I got to see my favorite band. Or at least a shadow of my favorite band.