The Republican Convention

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Re: The Republican Convention

#26 Post by chaos » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:33 pm

Artemis wrote:Watching Clint Eastwood this evening was pretty sad. WTF was he doing there?? :no:
I could only watch a minute or two; it was pretty bad. ... ction.html
Go ahead. Vet my day. A fistful of incoherence. High slurs rambler. Every which way and loose.

Clint Eastwood, the 82-year-old movie star and director, inspired what seemed like enthusiasm inside the Republican National Convention's Tampa Bay Times Forum—and disbelief outside it and on Twitter. He also spawned puns, based on the titles of Eastwood's movies—a filmography that runs from 1955 ("Revenge of the Creature") to the present ("Trouble with the Curve").
But in Tampa tonight he may have hit on the performance that will live on forever, as long (at least) as YouTube bloopers endure.

Eastwood took on a role made famous by Jack Palance in 1992: geriatric tough guy freestyles surreally on live TV. At that time—during the Oscars broadcast—Billy Crystal chastened Palance, who was determined to show Crystal up by doing a one-armed pushup on stage, by saying, "Decaf, Jack, Decaf."

If Palance needed less caffeine, it wasn't clear what Eastwood needed. A script? A director? Red Bull?

Eastwood seemed to speak without notes, without a Tele-Prom-Ter and without a clue of what he wanted to say. He shadow-boxed with Obama in a bizarre piece of stagecraft that involved an empty chair. He rambled about how America needed a businessman in charge. He came very close to using the f-word, making several feints at it. And he ran some ongoing gag about how he'd talk as long as he wanted to.

The weirdness seemed to discomfit the audience, but also charged them with adrenaline. Weirdness, maybe, was just what this convention needed—a reminder that, however closely choreographed, the conventions are still live events.

When Eastwood finally made it off stage—as Twitter called for a hook or a gong to hasten his exit—it seemed he'd gone over time. That might push Romney past 11 pm, which would be disastrous. (The Republican nominee is on as I type.)

Commenters initially called it a catastrophe for Romney. But for decades voters have complained that there's no spontaneity at the conventions. Eastwood brought the spontaneity, with the crazy. Who vetted his speech—or failed to? Who cares? He woke up a flagging crowd just in time for Romney's acceptance speech.

He may have been incoherent. But live TV is set up exactly for the Good, the Bad and the Spacey. And Eastwood knows how to win attention Every Which You Can.

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Re: The Republican Convention

#27 Post by Romeo » Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:45 am

Old crochety man yelling at a stool was comedy gold! :lolol:

Then everyone on twitter posting pictures of empty chairs and hash tagging #eastwooding was hysterical

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Re: The Republican Convention

#28 Post by chaos » Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:01 pm

I think Romney wanted an easy act to follow. The buzz today is not about him; it is about Clint Eastwood.

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Re: The Republican Convention

#29 Post by Juana » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:41 am

I have not even bothered. I just do not care enough anymore to bother.

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Re: The Republican Convention

#30 Post by mockbee » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:48 am

What a lousy lot we have to choose from. Certainly without a doubt I choose Obama, but he could be more bold and less beholden to corporations.

Amen brother Friedman! :thumb: :rockon:
It’s Still Halftime in America
Published: September 1, 2012

I sat through three days of speeches at the Republican convention here, but I confess that my mind often drifted off to thinking about Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the Moon.

Armstrong’s passing really touched me, especially coinciding as it did with this election. Why? Because the America that launched Armstrong was an America that was embarked on a great and inspiring journey — one that spawned breakthroughs in science, medicine, computing and physics that made our country, and the world, a better place. What journey are we on today? Balancing the budget? Expanding health insurance? These are vital tools, but healthy to go where and balanced to do what?

I came to the G.O.P. convention hoping to hear the Republican answer. Or, more specifically, I came to Tampa looking for Mitt Romney’s Etch A Sketch, and all I got was a lousy T-shirt.

Sitting through all the speeches, it was clear to me that people who think Romney, having accepted the nomination, is now going to pivot to the center are fooling themselves. There is no organic connection between Romney and the G.O.P. base. You could feel it in the hall. He is renting the party to fulfill his dream of becoming president, and they’re renting him to get rid of President Obama. But this is not Romney’s party. I don’t see him taking it back to his moderate past.

Ann Romney promised, in her speech, that her husband “will not fail.” But she never said at doing what. That’s not an accident. As Paul Ryan demonstrated, he and his band of Ayn Randians will employ any lies needed to disguise their true agenda of dismantling the New Deal. Ryan implied that Obama had failed to save a General Motors plant that was actually closed under George W. Bush; he blasted Obama for not taking responsibility for our job and fiscal deficits, while not acknowledging a whit of G.O.P. responsibility for the Bush-era spending recklessness that dug these holes; Mitt Romney lashed out at Obama for leading from behind on foreign policy and then virtually ignored foreign policy in his speech. Almost every G.O.P. speaker boasted of their immigrant roots, while the party remains the biggest opponent of immigration reform. It was a festival of hypocrisy — without shame. “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers,” Neil Newhouse, the lead Romney pollster, told critics. Say what?

But I bet one line in Ryan’s speech hit home with some undecided voters — when he said of Obama: “Now all that’s left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired.” Unlike Ryan, Obama is not giving speeches built on lies, but the truths that he’s telling are very small. He is neither running on his own record nor the promise of a new journey. As I’ve said, this is the first election ever where both men are running as “I’m not Mitt Romney.”

Dov Seidman, a business philosopher and C.E.O. of LRN, points out that when President Kennedy launched America in 1962 “on a journey to the Moon, he made a point of saying it would be done within the decade,” and “it was such a powerful, inspiring and big vision that it lived on, even though the president himself died before it was completed.” It’s been a long time since any U.S. politician “launched the country on a journey of progress so inspiring that realizing it would have to extend beyond his term in office.”

This election, notes Seidman, has largely been about “how to shift a tiny sliver of swing-state voters from one camp to the other, but no one is trying to elevate us, by taking us all, as a nation, on some daring new journey.” And a journey is not just a speech. It has to come with a strategy to rally people behind it and generate the legislation and policies needed to implement it.

What goals could merit such a journey? Now that we have put a man on the Moon, let’s commit to keeping everyone in school. Let’s commit that, within a decade, every American will have the tools for, and financial access to, some kind of postsecondary education — whether it is vocational school, community college or a four-year university. Because without some higher education that makes you “work ready” for one of today’s good jobs and a lifelong-learner for one of tomorrow’s, you’ll never secure a decent job or realize your full potential here on Earth.

Or let’s make America for the world what Cape Canaveral was to America — the world’s greatest launching pad for new companies. Let’s commit that, in the next decade, we’ll create the dynamics to double the number of new companies started in America each year — from 500,000 to 1 million. That means combining immigration reform, new investments in research to push out the boundaries of science, vastly increasing the speed of our Internet, rebuilding our infrastructure and reforming the tax code. Whatever it costs, we will make it back times 10.

Romney and Ryan denounced Obama for not touting “American exceptionalism.” That’s actually how a great country becomes unexceptional. You give up the great journeys and just assert your exceptionalism louder. Exceptionalism has to be earned by each generation, and, when that happens, it speaks for itself.

If only this election were a choice, not between two parties or two candidates, but between two exceptional journeys — with maps included.

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Re: The Republican Convention

#31 Post by Hype » Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:18 pm

he could be more bold and less beholden to corporations.
Look at Clinton's first term for the analogy.

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Re: The Republican Convention

#32 Post by Pure Method » Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:09 pm

Adurentibus Spina wrote:
he could be more bold and less beholden to corporations.
Look at Clinton's first term for the analogy.

Obama did say he would tackle campaign finance reform in his ama on reddit: ... rs/261756/ ... ed_states/

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