Obama caves again

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Obama caves again

#1 Post by chaos » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:29 pm

He rescheduled his speech. :no:
ellis wrote: I think Obama is too soft and is trying too hard to be everybodys friend. We need a leader.
(Perry thread)

In and of itself it may not seem like a big deal to reschedule a speech, but it is in the context of all the one-sided compromises during the last three years. Although Obama inherited a mess, as well as probably one of the most blatantly disrespectful, undeferential (and I'll go as far as to say unintelligent) group of subordinates, he only makes matters worse by continually caving. As the editorial sums up, "One day won’t make a difference, but the political spectacle and the final result only served to further underscore the president’s weakness. Worse, the vital importance of the speech — and the need for Congress to take its full responsibility for creating jobs and reviving the economy — was upstaged by yet another Washington soap opera."

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/02/opini ... _LO_MST_FB
Oh, Grow Up

Whenever we think Washington couldn’t get more cynical or more craven, it proves us wrong. So we will resist the temptation to say it’s hard to imagine anything more base than the food fight over President Obama’s planned speech to Congress.

The contemptuous reaction from the House speaker, John Boehner, to the president’s request to address a joint session next Wednesday — the day Congress returns from its summer recess — was appalling. No matter how he feels about Mr. Obama personally or politically, there can be no excuse for his lack of respect for the office, to which he is second in the line of succession. And it was distressing to watch President Obama fail, once again, to stand up to an opposition that won’t brook the smallest compromise.

What made this even more appalling is that the president will be speaking on the country’s most pressing problem — the need to create jobs and stave off another destructive recession.

Mr. Obama’s request should have been routine. And The Times on Thursday quoted a White House official as saying it was: Obama aides consulted Boehner aides and then sent a formal request for a joint session on Wednesday. But Mr. Boehner said the date wasn’t convenient, a rebuff of the chief executive that the Senate historian’s office said seemed unprecedented.

It’s possible that the White House failed to seek Mr. Boehner’s back-room agreement before making its formal request. That’s hard to believe, even from an administration that is maladroit politically, to put it kindly.

But even if that were true. So what?

Mr. Boehner said there are votes scheduled on Wednesday evening, but they seem to be profoundly unimportant and, in any case, this is the same speaker who repeatedly postponed votes on whether to save the nation from default. What could possibly be so pressing this time?

It’s also possible that the White House failed to notice that the contenders for the Republican presidential nomination have a debate on Wednesday, or deliberately tried to upstage it. If either is true, shame on the White House.

But, again, so what?

The Republican candidates did not seem to care. Some seemed eager to be up against Mr. Obama on television. And a presidential address on jobs and the faltering economy certainly trumps one of 20 planned debates among the contenders for the Republican nomination.

Mr. Obama’s people negotiated with Mr. Boehner’s people behind closed doors. When they emerged, the White House caved, to no one’s surprise. The speech will take place on Thursday.

One day won’t make a difference, but the political spectacle and the final result only served to further underscore the president’s weakness. Worse, the vital importance of the speech — and the need for Congress to take its full responsibility for creating jobs and reviving the economy — was upstaged by yet another Washington soap opera.

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Re: Obama caves again

#2 Post by creep » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:02 pm

it's just so stupid for the republicans to cry about every move he makes. everything is so two sided. i'm all for compromise and that is what we need to make the political process work again but the compromises only seem to be coming from obama.

i'm also pissed because this speech will fuck up football. why does every major network have to cover it? nearly everyone has cable and if you don't have cable you have high spped internet. carry it on cnn and fox news and have it available on the internet for people to watch.

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Re: Obama caves again

#3 Post by chaos » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:22 pm

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/0 ... 45906.html
Not to worry, the White House says. Obama's address will be finished before the game begins.

"I can assure you that, for all you football fans, that he will be completed before kickoff," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Thursday.
All is well again Creep. (Obama doesn't just cave to congressmen.) :lol:

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Re: Obama caves again

#4 Post by creep » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:26 pm


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Re: Obama caves again

#5 Post by Hokahey » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:44 pm

What a disappointment he's been. My belief on economics has evolved over the last 3 years where I don't know that I would vote for him a 2nd time regardless (there's no real difference between Dems and Repubs here anyway) but on social and war issues he's been no better than W and broken every possible promise.

No more raids on medicinal marijuana pharmacies in Cali? Lie.

No more Guantamano? Lie.

End the wars? Lie, start a 3rd mideast front in Libya with more to come.

Neo-cons (99% of "Republicans") should love this guy. He's just like them. They just yell and scream for show and because they want "their side" to win. Like a sporting event. Ultimately, all that's different is the name of the team. They're all playing the same sport, the same way.

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Re: Obama caves again

#6 Post by Essence_Smith » Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:36 pm

hokahey wrote:What a disappointment he's been
This is true of most presidents we've had in the last 35 years wouldn't you say? People drank the kool aid imo...they bought into the "change"...but they never said it meant change for the better... :wink:

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Re: Obama caves again

#7 Post by Hokahey » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:00 pm

Essence_Smith wrote:This is true of most presidents we've had in the last 35 years wouldn't you say?
It depends on what you're looking for and what you're basing that on. Broken promises? Obama is really taking the cake here.
People drank the kool aid imo...they bought into the "change"...but they never said it meant change for the better... :wink:
While witty, that doesn't make sense because there's been NO change, let alone bad change.

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Re: Obama caves again

#8 Post by creep » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:17 pm

i would have a lot more respect for him if he tried and failed but he is not trying anything.

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Re: Obama caves again

#9 Post by Pandemonium » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:44 pm

creep wrote:i would have a lot more respect for him if he tried and failed but he is not trying anything.
He got Bin Laden, that's gotta count for something. And looking back, he was the *only* choice in '08 when you consider the opposition.

But yeah, he's proven to be barely one step up from Jimmy Carter and about Gerald Ford quality, imo. The whole "jobs stimulus" thing has been a colossal joke from day one. Just a ton of taxpayer (or Chinese) money thrown down the drain for temp Government jobs. I mean, I'm no Harvard economist, but it should be a logical conclusion not to go with "when in doubt, spend money" especially when we're in such a deep hole as it is.

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Re: Obama caves again

#10 Post by Essence_Smith » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:18 pm

hokahey wrote:
Essence_Smith wrote:This is true of most presidents we've had in the last 35 years wouldn't you say?
It depends on what you're looking for and what you're basing that on. Broken promises? Obama is really taking the cake here.
People drank the kool aid imo...they bought into the "change"...but they never said it meant change for the better... :wink:
While witty, that doesn't make sense because there's been NO change, let alone bad change.
As one who pays very little attention to national politics in most regards, I'd have to say that the political climate overall has drastically changed in this country...while party lines have always been pretty strong, it seems like they are more markedly so now more than ever. Was there even such a thing as the Tea Party in 2008??? The fact that a group so small gets so much press says a LOT imo...

I'm basing my statement about him being a disappointment partially on how he was generally perceived back in 2008 vs. at this point in his presidency...the higher the hopes the greater the disappointment can be. Has he let us down more than most? I wouldn't necessarily say so...as you say it depends what you're looking for & though generally most politicians running for president make promises, focusing on his character & how he was portrayed a few years ago, I think people saw him as one whose promises you could take to the bank. I think he came across as a sincere guy and I think people held him to a higher standard.

The only promise he made that I've kept my eye on was universal health care...and he made an attempt which was more substancial than anyone prior has...I didn't and still don't see that ever happening...

I'm not a fan of his though I enjoy that he seems personable...definitely a charming guy, but bottom line I don't think we're better off OR worse off overall than we were 3 years ago...I think there's a different guy in office, but we've had more of the same...the change as I see it has been that it seems harder to accomplish anything because things are more divided than ever...and I don't blame Obama on his own for that...there's been a reaction to him just BEING president that has changed things, but I don't feel it makes him a bigger disappointment than anyone else has been...every president we've ever had has lied...

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Re: Obama caves again

#11 Post by Jasper » Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:36 am

I have to agree. Broken campaign promises are par for the course. It's not excusable, but it's across the board for all players on all sides.

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Re: Obama caves again

#12 Post by Hokahey » Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:06 am

Essence_Smith wrote:
the change as I see it has been that it seems harder to accomplish anything because things are more divided than ever...and I don't blame Obama on his own for that...
He could end the wars.

He could substantially influence the war on drugs.

He could change fiscal policy.

Don't let him off the fucking hook that easily.

I guarantee a Ron Paul type would significantly alter the landscape.

there's been a reaction to him just BEING president that has changed things
Agreed, and for the better.
but I don't feel it makes him a bigger disappointment than anyone else has been...every president we've ever had has lied...
Jasper wrote:I have to agree. Broken campaign promises are par for the course. It's not excusable, but it's across the board for all players on all sides.
Funny, I don't remember voting for par for the course. I also don't remember Bush being a giant pussy. In fact, I remember Bush doing whatever the fuck he wanted on a lot of different things.

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Re: Obama caves again

#13 Post by Jasper » Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:22 am

Jasper wrote:I have to agree. Broken campaign promises are par for the course. It's not excusable, but it's across the board for all players on all sides.
Funny, I don't remember voting for par for the course. I also don't remember Bush being a giant pussy. In fact, I remember Bush doing whatever the fuck he wanted on a lot of different things.[/quote]

OK, but my comment wasn't addressing any of that, only that I don't think there was any greater quantity of promises broken with this president. It's not a value judgment of any sort, but now that you mention it, back on xiola I called the hope & change shtick bullshit long before the Dem primary. I supported Hillary Clinton, but people like fantasies that make them feel good.

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Re: Obama caves again

#14 Post by jptm » Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:53 pm

hokahey wrote: I guarantee a Ron Paul type would significantly alter the landscape.

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Re: Obama caves again

#15 Post by Juana » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:15 am

I honestly just don't care anymore whomever that gets elected is going to inherit the same mess and realize that their campaign promises will never be kept. There's too many sides and not enough "Americans". Until there is compromise and people working together then this is going to be the result. People being contrary in DC just to be contrary. I'm still proud of my choice to serve the country but seriously looking around here (Austin and surrounding) there are a lot of people I would have regretted laying down my life in the name of their freedom. Until people start working together we'll just grow further apart politically and then maybe we will all get the change that is talked about because shit will be so far apart that the middle ground will be "revolutionary"

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