Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

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Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#1 Post by chaos » Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:29 pm

The woman is drunk and does not listen to the officer when he tells her to get back into the car. Although she may have lost her footing since she is drunk, the cop slams her around several times. I know cops deal with a lot of crap, but this one clearly over overreacts. The woman did not file charges, but the cop was fired after a review of the dash cam footage.

I would not give a cop a hard time if I got pulled over in the middle of the night on a deserted road, but I would be terrified. What if the guy had a bad day? What if he is just a bad cop? I have heard of women who will not stop and drive straight to a police station rather than pull over in a dark, deserted area. I do not know if I could do something like that. I guess much of it would have to do with instinct, as well as on how far away the station was and/or if I was familiar with the area.

http://news.yahoo.com/florida-police-of ... ories.html
Florida Police Officer Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail
By SYDNEY LUPKIN | ABC News – Tue, Aug 21, 2012

A veteran cop was fired and charged with criminal battery after officers reviewed a video of him slamming a woman into her car in Pensacola, Fla. "We have certain expectations of our police officers, and when I looked at the video, I was disappointed because I felt like that didn't stand up to those expectations," Pensacola Police Chief Chip Simmons told ABCNews.com. "We determined that what we saw on the video was inconsistent with what our policies allow and what state statute allows."

Dash cam footage from Aug. 2 shows Officer Christopher Geraci telling Abbi Bonds to get back in her car before he grabs her left arm and swings her body into the side of the car, causing her to fall to her knees and bang her chin against the vehicle.
"I'm not fighting you," Bonds, 29, is heard saying as he cuffs her. "Why are you hitting me?"

Geraci had been responding to a hit-and-run, and a witness identified Bonds as a driver who struck two vehicles with her white Chevrolet before driving away, according to the police report. When Geraci found Bonds, her car was disabled and had red and grey paint on it that matched the other two cars she allegedly hit, according to the report.

"When I made contact with Bonds, she immediately began stating that someone took her car and she was chasing it down the road on foot," Geraci wrote in the report.

He added that he could smell alcohol on her breath, had watery eyes and slurred speech. After the alleged slamming incident, Bonds submitted to field sobriety tests and performed poorly, according to police reports. Geraci arrested her and took her to Escambia County Jail. She also told him, "I was trying to crank the car when I found it."

She was charged with leaving the scene of an accident, failure to yield, no proof of insurance and driving under the influence.
Complying with department policy, Geraci, 33, filled out a use of force report for the incident. Geraci's supervisor reviewed the dash cam footage to comply with protocol, and officials made their decision about his employment. Bonds did not call in a complaint to the department.

Geraci, who could not be reached for comment, was fired last Friday and charged with battery. He was taken to Escambia County Jail, but was later released on his own recognizance, records show. He does not yet have an arraignment date.
Bonds, who was arrested on Aug. 2, said injuries from her encounter with Geraci include a swollen knee and jaw pain. She said doctors think she may have suffered a concussion as well.

She admitted that she was on the phone when Geraci told her to get back in the car, but said he didn't listen to her when she told him someone had stolen her car.

"He just totally lost control as a police officer and beat the crap out of me using way beyond excessive force to a female," Bonds said.

Bonds had been on parole, she said. Records show she was charged with four felonies for possession of a controlled substance without a prescription in 2010.

Geraci had been a Pensacola police officer since 2004 and was a member of the K-9 unit.

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#2 Post by Juana » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:02 am

If I was a cop I would find lame reasons to write tickets in the states laws. "You have a smudge on your right rear tire"

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#3 Post by Essence_Smith » Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:33 am

Maaaaaaannnn please...call me insensitive, but I've seen people get physically handled WAY worse than that for just talking to a cop wrong...she was breaking the law and putting others lives (as well as her own) in danger by driving drunk...she then refused to cooperate with the police officer...yes he overreacted...however I find it VERY hard to sympathize...she didn't get a beatdown, she was manhandled, not a big deal imho...

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#4 Post by chaos » Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:45 am

I thought it was disturbing around the 52 second mark. It looks like her head hits the car pretty hard.

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#5 Post by Essence_Smith » Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:12 pm

chaos wrote:I thought it was disturbing around the 52 second mark. It looks like her head hits the car pretty hard.
I know a family that got hurt pretty badly years ago by a drunk driver...I don't hold much sympathy for them... :noclue:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#6 Post by SR » Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:43 am

Fuck cops

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#7 Post by kv » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:54 am

thats why you yes sir, no sir your ass off when around cops...hell i've had worse happen to me when yes sir, no siring lol

she was drunk and resisted plus she tripped he didn't intend to slam her like that

like es fuck her she was drunk and deserves worse tbh...cops are assholes for the most part should expect that

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#8 Post by Hype » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:06 am

I got breathalyzed once, and people with arbitrary authority scare the shit out of me, so I just followed all the instructions as best as I could, and asked questions only when I thought making a mistake would create a problem (you'd be surprised how easy it is to get confused when it's 2am and you may or may not have had a drink somewhat earlier... :lol: ) So as soon as I finished blowing into the thing I said: "Oh man, I'm so nervous because I've never been stopped before." and the dude goes: "I seen that you were a bit shaky. You're fine. Drive safe." :rockon: The guy was about a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier than me... really intimidating. I'm just lucky I'm a white male between 18-45. Anything else and my experience probably would've been completely different. :lol:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#9 Post by kv » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:28 am

it's more that you live in canda because the young white guy thing doesn't work down here...i got stopped one time at like 2am totally sober and they federal stopped me with guns to my head...then cuffed me and tossed me on the hood of my car...needless to say the hood was hot...there were like 5 cop cars there in 2 minutes then i noticed after sitting there for 10-15 minutes they started leaving...until only one cop was left ( which made me more nervous) he then took me off my hood and started to explain to me there had been a stolen car matching my description...( odd wtf would you throw me on the hood of a stolen car?) i asked for a scene commander at which point he got in my face and told me to get the fuck out of there before he cuffed me again...no ticket, no fault

another time i was driving and had 3 drunk friends in the car and they pulled me over asked for my drivers license then after i gave it to him he looked at it for 1 second then threw it in my face...my drunk buddy in the back seat laughed and they dragged him through the window over the top of me...no ticket, no fault

one of my friends in highschool who was a black guy ( one of the very few in my highschool...was walking home from school and there was a break in i guess of a black male 6'3 so they see him walking home from school he was like 5'6 15 years old they sent their dog on him without saying a word....he got a nice check from the city over that

another time on a very busy street at rush hour i was pulled over and there was no way i was gonna get over to the lane to park anytime soon so i pulled in a turn lane...got the green arrow turned and parked in the gas station on the corner...federal stop at gun point boot on the back of my neck...i got a ticket out of that one my tags were out one month new ones were in my car

these are all local small town affluent neighborhood...i have a million more from lapd and la sherrif and i am as white as thy come

most cops were picked on in school and now have the control and are assholes in my experience...not all some have been awesome...i have been cuffed soooo many times...back of cop cars a lot...my record? aside from traffic tickets, spotless not one mark

nwa had it best...fuck the police

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#10 Post by Hype » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:35 am

kv wrote:it's more that you live in canda because the young white guy thing doesn't work down here...i got stopped one time at like 2am totally sober and they federal stopped me with guns to my head...then cuffed me and tossed me on the hood of my car...needless to say the hood was hot...there were like 5 cop cars there in 2 minutes then i noticed after sitting there for 10-15 minutes they started leaving...until only one cop was left ( which made me more nervous) he then took me off my hood and started to explain to me there had been a stolen car matching my description...( odd wtf would you throw me on the hood of a stolen car?) i asked for a scene commander at which point he got in my face and told me to get the fuck out of there before he cuffed me again...no ticket, no fault

another time i was driving and had 3 drunk friends in the car and they pulled me over asked for my drivers license then after i gave it to him he looked at it for 1 second then threw it in my face...my drunk buddy in the back seat laughed and they dragged him through the window over the top of me...no ticket, no fault

one of my friends in highschool who was a black guy ( one of the very few in my highschool...was walking home from school and there was a break in i guess of a black male 6'3 so they see him walking home from school he was like 5'6 15 years old they sent their dog on him without saying a word....he got a nice check from the city over that

another time on a very busy street at rush hour i was pulled over and there was no way i was gonna get over to the lane to park anytime soon so i pulled in a turn lane...got the green arrow turned and parked in the gas station on the corner...federal stop at gun point boot on the back of my neck...i got a ticket out of that one my tags were out one month new ones were in my car

these are all local small town affluent neighborhood...i have a million more from lapd and la sherrif and i am as white as thy come

most cops were picked on in school and now have the control and are assholes in my experience...not all some have been awesome...i have been cuffed soooo many times...back of cop cars a lot...my record? aside from traffic tickets, spotless not one mark

nwa had it best...fuck the police
That is crazy. I think you're right... it must be different in Canada... because I've never heard of anything like that happening.

We were out drinking last night and saw a guy get cuffed after a bar-brawl... but that was legit and they seemed to be treating him fairly. :noclue:

In fact, now that I think about it... I skateboarded through a red-light on the wrong side of the road right in front of a cop last night. :lol:
Last edited by Hype on Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#11 Post by creep » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:36 am

you must look suspicious? or you drive something like this:


i've never had a bad experience with a cop. the only time one was pissed at me was when i accidentally flipped him off not knowing he was a cop. maybe it's where i live. :noclue:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#12 Post by kv » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:53 am

nope toyota celica when they placed me on the hood...ford sedan when they drug my buddy over the top of me...mustang when the fed stopped me for "running" by turning left instead of i guess just stopping in the middle of traffic...hell hype mentions skateboarding..when i was a kid i was pulled over for riding my bike on the wrong side of the street and another time for riding on the sidewalk and ollieing off the curb and up it instead of "walking my board across the street" :flip:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#13 Post by Hype » Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:26 pm

kv wrote:nope toyota celica when they placed me on the hood...ford sedan when they drug my buddy over the top of me...mustang when the fed stopped me for "running" by turning left instead of i guess just stopping in the middle of traffic...hell hype mentions skateboarding..when i was a kid i was pulled over for riding my bike on the wrong side of the street and another time for riding on the sidewalk and ollieing off the curb and up it instead of "walking my board across the street" :flip:
The Celica is a pretty slick looking car -- maybe it did have something to do with it. Mustang maybe too. My parents' cars (the only cars I'll ever drive because I can't justify buying my own) are usually Hyundai/Nissan compacts... which may explain why I've never been stopped (except the time I was breathalyzed but that was a case where they were stopping everyone and asking if you'd had anything to drink... and I didn't lie... :confused: ) Then again, my dad likes to speed and has been caught probably 15 times in 25 years. I think some of it is just luck.

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#14 Post by kv » Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:43 pm


ya it just screams danger :lolol:

mustang i guess a little more...def get your guns out for anyone driving one of those


also made me think of a friend who got a dui driving home from a hockey game..i was stone sober riding shotgun...(yes he should have let me drive) the one cop was giving him the tests and making him walk the line and shit other could tell i was sober said they'd let me take his car since we were in a shit part of town and all...then the other cop cuffs and stuffs my friend and says "that car is mine have fun getting home" so they just dump me middle of nowhere..i ask if they can call me a cab and they ignore me...love the police

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#15 Post by Hype » Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:51 pm

I forgot you were talking about 40 years ago..

This is what they look like now:


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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#16 Post by kv » Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:53 pm

you are right that would require road block and gatling guns...and fuck you ya little twerp it was a 91 lol it's funny at the time it looked soooo different then any other car it and the ford probe were state of the art rounded bubble cars

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#17 Post by Hype » Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:55 pm

:lol: I'm just saying that it at least looks like it could move fast.. unlike this thing:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#18 Post by kv » Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:58 pm

why am i not shocked you drive something practical?...hell if i was to buy something new i would buy whatever goes 55 and has the best gas mileage

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#19 Post by Hype » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:34 pm

kv wrote:why am i not shocked you drive something practical?...hell if i was to buy something new i would buy whatever goes 55 and has the best gas mileage
My dad bought that car because of the hatch for the dogs... then got himself a Sonata 2.0T... nice car :nod:

275 or so HP. :bday: I do not drive that one. :lol:

Like I said though... I just don't really want to own a car... too much money sinks into them way too easily... Because I'm a lifer student, I get free public transit in the city... and it costs about as much as gas to travel by bus to visit folks... sometimes less.

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#20 Post by Pandemonium » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:32 pm

Man, I got so many bullshit cop stories from my 20's and I'm cracker white boy squared. Huntington and Newport Beach cops were bad but probably the most outrageous pullover was in Compton in the late 80's. At the time, I was going through a 5 year tax audit (which was actually random, believe it or not) and I had to make several trips with paperwork to the IRS office that happened to be in Compton. One time, I was driving through that shithole heading towards the freeway after one such appointment and was wearing a pair of small headphones and an AIWA tape deck listening to tunes as my car had recently been broken into and the stereo stolen on a Vegas trip. So a cop sees me, I get pulled over, I know I did bad and I fully expect a ticket. What I didn't expect was a felony-style stop, pulled out of the car, cuffed sitting on the ground to my front bumper while the cop ran my ID, nearly half an hour goes by and at this point, several cop cars come slowly rolling past and the lead car the cop is singing "play that funky music white boy" through his PA and they're laughing their fucking asses off. No ticket, c-ya.

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#21 Post by mockbee » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:26 pm

LA is/was messed up............ :wavesad:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#22 Post by chaos » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:26 am

mockbee wrote:LA is/was messed up............ :wavesad:

They got a little out of control on 8/21/12. I realize the woman got out of her car, but my God.

http://news.yahoo.com/lapd-commander-re ... 51139.html
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles Police Department commanding officer has been removed amid an internal investigation into a videotaped beating in which officers tackled a handcuffed registered nurse to the ground, police Chief Charlie Beck said Wednesday.

Beck said previously that he had "serious concerns" about the use of force against Michelle Jordan, 34, who was arrested in the Tujunga area on Aug. 21 after being stopped for talking on a cellphone while driving, police said.

Jordan got out of the car and cursed the two officers who stopped her, witnesses and Jordan's husband told KNBC-TV.
Fast-food restaurant surveillance video obtained by the TV station (bit.ly/NVptHP ) showed officers taking her to the ground. After she is handcuffed and walked to a police car, the 5-foot-4 woman is tackled a second time by an officer who lands on top of her.

"She made some unwise moves," her attorney, Sy Nazif, told the station. "But certainly nothing that warranted a physical assault from the LAPD."

Photos show scrapes on Jordan's face, shoulders and chest.

The officers involved in the incident have been removed from patrol duty until an LAPD investigation is complete. One is a 22-year veteran and the other is a probationary officer with 10 months on the force.

Beck said at a news conference Wednesday that Capt. Joseph Hitner of the department's Foothill Division was "severely deficient in his response," Beck said.

"Proper steps were not taken, including appropriate notifications and the removal of the involved officers from the field," Beck said. "Because of these issues, I have removed him from his command and initiated downgrade procedures. Every Los Angeles police officer, regardless of rank, will be held accountable for their actions."

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#23 Post by SR » Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:34 pm

Fuck cops; fuck the lapd. :jasper:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#24 Post by Essence_Smith » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:58 pm

http://www.pixiq.com/article/ten-rules- ... ice-videos

Very good info in this link...I will NEVER say fuck the police because some of my friends are on the job...they have a tough job, people make it tougher sometimes...do they run like a gang? Totally but it kinda comes with the territory...and having been all over the U.S. a few times over...LAPD are indeed worthy of the rep they have...@kv, I actually saw em frisking a 10 year old...for riding his bike down the wrong side of the street... :no:

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Re: Florida Cop Slams Woman into Car, Goes to Jail

#25 Post by Juana » Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:33 am

the police forces in central america (honduras, el salvador, nicaragua) are far worse than the lapd. i have never been harassed by any cops and i'm covered in tattoos and usually have my head shaved. so not sure what other people are doing to get harassed as i clearly look like i should be doing something wrong. maybe you all need to start looking more like a scumbag like me?

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