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Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:42 am
by Larry B.
Clearly a shitload of people dying to gun violence is a fair price to pay for people's right to kill other people with guns! You silly foreigner.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:25 pm
by nausearockpig
Larry B. wrote:Clearly a shitload of people dying to gun violence is a fair price to pay for people's right to kill other people with guns! You silly foreigner.
Every single thing you said there is evidenced by recent and not so recent real life events.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:12 pm
by kv
Taking rights from the lawful, to stop the kinda pointless Imho
Pretty sure it's already illegal to gun people down no? Crazy will still be crazy. Better background check with mental well fare testing? Sure

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:54 pm
by nausearockpig
kv wrote:Taking rights from the lawful, to stop the kinda pointless Imho
Pretty sure it's already illegal to gun people down no? Crazy will still be crazy. Better background check with mental well fare testing? Sure
Sure. If that was the only solution. Meanwhile, more innocent deaths in Murica while the endless debate rages on. How about a five year trial. ALL guns go in Fort Knox for five years and we watch what happens. Though I'm sure some dummy would try to prove the test wrong or invalid.

Answer me this. Why do you NEED the right to so many guns anyway? as if any of you would be able to rise against an oppressive government ( or whatever the outdated and unrealistic wording is ). First thing I would do as an oppressive government trying to subjugate the population is take out standard comms to basically render mass communications and organization of anything impossible. Unless all your "ready and waiting" militia members have CB radios, you'd be fucked without your mobile phones.

It's all BS.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:05 pm
by kv
Then discussion is pointless :wave:

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:20 pm
by nausearockpig
What do you mean?

I legitimately want to hear sensible counter points to why USAians NEED the right to bear arms as outlined in the constitution as they apply to today's world, why they NEED to have the availability to so many weapons, NEED to carry them in public, and real ideas as to how all the senseless deaths can be avoided. I was using that oppressive govt example and comment as a way of saying I think that excuse is just that, an excuse. And one that is just not relevant and being used as a crutch.

I realize my commentary does or may come across as being a smart arse but I, and I'm sure a lot of Murica would love to hear something other than "mental health" as a blanket statement.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:26 am
by kv
Anything that causes innocent death should be made illegal...drunk drivers...let's get rid of alcohol and cars...problem solved! That attitude kills me...takes the focus off the person at fault. Why do we have cars that go past the speed limit? Seems silly, let's make all cars slow 2 cylinders! Why do we allow 12 packs of beer if 12 make you too drunk to drive? Let's just sell 2 packs! Cigarettes straight kill people...that's ok just pay a higher tax!

My family has shoot guns/hunted for over 100 years of people I have spoke with...30 years ago the screams were to get rid of full auto weapons, large clip sizes, certain assault style weapons, better background checks...."we don't want to take away your right to guns just control it some what" well California has done all of those's a lie...people on the other side of my view want guns gone...period...that is never gonna happen in my lifetime...there are more guns then people well as 2 gigantic land borders, one to a country full of illegal guns...let's control the law breakers, the sick and crazy and leave the law abiding people alone

I know my time is is yours convincing me otherwise

Guns and bullets don't kill....people do...and they always have....I blame society, movies, video games, bad parents, broken homes and the like...any kid can go buy games like grand theft auto and get desensitized to it all...

Raising money for mental health would do far more good then focusing on weapons...homeless rates are rising insanely fast...and it's not a stable population...we live in a society where we coddle our children far too much...we don't prepare them as well today for the real world...thus why so many snap when their life becomes unmanageable when their coddled "you're the center of the world" mentally falls flat vs real life

There is a reality people need to clue into...the NRA is strong because it is supported by a shit ton of people with my view that vote. Shit like this is why Trump came to be our president...people are tired of this shit

Vent over... cheers for the convo

Not a current day NRA supporter (I prob should be...used to be) and I definitely did not vote for trump

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:43 am
by nausearockpig
OK you don't wanna discuss it as neither of us will change our minds, then that's cool. No sweat.

But remember we have movies, video games, bad parents, broken homes and the too, but not as many gun or violence related deaths per capita as the USA. Mind you, I just had a look on Wikiepdia (yeah i know) and whilst Venezuela, El Salvador, Swaziland, Guatemala, Jamaica, Colombia, Brazil, Panama, Uruguay and Mexico have higher deaths per capita than the USA, these are much poorer nations in much more "dire straits" than the US, as are the 9 or more countries after the US in the list, so maybe political, economic and social issues play into it a lot too (in those other on US countries I mean).

yes cars and booze and smokes and knives and hand-to-hand violence all kill people, just like people with guns do, and maybe the media is to blame for "blowing it out of proportion", or making it seem like someone is more likely to die by gunfire than by a car crash or drink driving etc...

Still no one has answered my question why you guys still need the right to bear arms, as is in your constitution. Nor has any pro-gun area come to the party with real plans or policies on how to stop the deaths.

anyway, cheers mate! :wave:

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:06 am
by kv
I'm with you on your beliefs that if the government wanted to take over they probably today's age with how the Supreme Court here has ruled over the is a right to defend as well...not just in a militia sense as it was originally stated...and in a land of more guns with people I'd (obviously) rather be armed

I do appreciate your tone...not that it warranted on the internet but I respect your's rare these day

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:24 am
by kv
For perspective about 33k people get killed every year by gun...2/3 are suicide...of the 11k left 500 die to mass shootings...and over 10k are killed by drunk drivers...little girls and boys and mom's and dad's innocently slaughtered by cars...I like walking more let's vote out cars! News leads with trump and guns every day ever

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:28 am
by nausearockpig
kv wrote:I'm with you on your beliefs that if the government wanted to take over they probably could...///
I'm waiting for the day that Trump changes his name to Sheev and declares himself Emperor..... but that's a different topic :bigrin:

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:44 am
by nausearockpig
Regarding the right to defend, I get it in principle. My question would be do you need a semi-automatic machine gun to do so? I saw a thing on FB that someone posted saying how about we restrict the number of guns you can have to one handgun and one AR-15 or M16 style per person. not an arsenal. I guess this might be a good idea if you're trying to stop people from arming up to go to war, or something.. which no one does.. but doesn't address the root of the problems... whatever they are.

I do take your point regarding drink drivers and shit. Like I said, maybe the media is pushing the "guns kill too many people" too much, and not the "don't get fucking drunk and drive you cunts" hard enough. On the other hand, it's not the media's role to be conscience... Also those figures paint a grim picture in general... Here's something showing similar numbers ... auses.html very interesting, though pretty outdated now.

i still like my 5 year Fort Knox idea. Someone should float that to Trump....

Funny aside, check out this guy's videos.. I'm sure I've posted these before. He was broken into when asleep, and had a gun in his apartment but it was in a safe. lol. I think.. I can't remember for sure..

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:33 am
by Larry B.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:44 am
by clickie
kv wrote:I'm with you on your beliefs that if the government wanted to take over they probably could

No way dude, our military is filled with a bunch of hard core patriots that practically have the 2nd amendment tattoo'd on their ass, they're not gonna kill their own neighbors because someone in D.C. tell them to.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:17 pm
by kv

Here clickie, time to catch you up

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:24 pm
by Artemis
Here we go shooter...developing story.

Active shooter has taken hostages at largest veterans’ home in U.S.

An active shooter has taken hostages at the nation's largest retirement home for veterans, according to law enforcement and emergency response personnel.

Napa County Fire Captain Chase Beckman told the Associated Press that a gunman has taken hostages at the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, less than ten miles north of Napa. It’s the largest veterans’ home in the U.S. with about 1,000 aged or disabled veterans, according to the California Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

California Highway Patrol, which is responding to the situation, confirmed to the local ABC News affiliate that an active shooter situation was underway, and the retirement home told ABC that three hostages are being held.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:28 pm
by kv
Ever 50 seconds someone dies from a drunk driver

Couple weeks back Id just returned home after playing music.. just after 2am and as I open my taco Bell bag I feel an explosion go house is one block off a decent sized street...I car had bombed into a building directly behind my house after losing rear balcony over looked (my house has a retaining wall that drops down to the next block) the scene of panic as people stopped and tried to help before quickly seeing that one person was gruesomely killed....( I used to live one house from a bigger street and played field paramedic prob a dozen times in my time there, this would have been a block run and plenty of people were there within seconds...still was far more sickening watching instead of just helping) anyway high school senior girl died...her driver was had a reporter there for two minutes..end of story

I get with a nut with a gun intent is different then a drunk but just saying...300+ million people...innocent people die all day long

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:17 pm
by kv
Artemis wrote:Here we go shooter...developing story.

Active shooter has taken hostages at largest veterans’ home in U.S.

An active shooter has taken hostages at the nation's largest retirement home for veterans, according to law enforcement and emergency response personnel.

Napa County Fire Captain Chase Beckman told the Associated Press that a gunman has taken hostages at the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, less than ten miles north of Napa. It’s the largest veterans’ home in the U.S. with about 1,000 aged or disabled veterans, according to the California Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

California Highway Patrol, which is responding to the situation, confirmed to the local ABC News affiliate that an active shooter situation was underway, and the retirement home told ABC that three hostages are being held.
Gun laws not working... veterans home...ptsd vet breaking all kinds of laws....if only he had just obeyed them...must need new laws

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:53 pm
by nausearockpig
KV makes good points.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:44 am
by SR

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:13 am
by nausearockpig
Which is not to say that the number and frequency of gun deaths is at an acceptable level.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:35 am
by Hype
They're not good points, though I understand why KV is making them.

For one thing, the "laws punish responsible people" is either applicable to all laws that require consideration or constraints on all of us, or it isn't. If it is, then this is effectively an argument for anarchy (which is self-defeating). If it isn't, then a principled distinction between the laws that are punishing responsible people and the ones that aren't has to be made, and I don't think it's at all obvious (especially in the case of guns).

For another thing, the argument that existing laws are not working just in case there are violations of them is absurd. And it's even worse to say that we should get rid of laws or not have further laws just because existing laws are being violated or flouted. The purpose of laws is not to force 100% compliance. Laws provide a framework for organized meting out of justice. This argument is just a non-sequitur that if taken seriously would also bottom out in anarchy.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:45 am
by SR
Off to the march. :thumb:

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 7:25 pm
by SR
Hype wrote:
Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:35 am
They're not good points, though I understand why KV is making them.

For one thing, the "laws punish responsible people" is either applicable to all laws that require consideration or constraints on all of us, or it isn't. If it is, then this is effectively an argument for anarchy (which is self-defeating). If it isn't, then a principled distinction between the laws that are punishing responsible people and the ones that aren't has to be made, and I don't think it's at all obvious (especially in the case of guns).

For another thing, the argument that existing laws are not working just in case there are violations of them is absurd. And it's even worse to say that we should get rid of laws or not have further laws just because existing laws are being violated or flouted. The purpose of laws is not to force 100% compliance. Laws provide a framework for organized meting out of justice. This argument is just a non-sequitur that if taken seriously would also bottom out in anarchy.

Re: 74 School Shootings in 18 Months

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 2:42 am
by nausearockpig
And the massacres keep on happening. Jesus fucking Christ.