Crisis in Europe

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Crisis in Europe

#1 Post by Bandit72 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:16 am


I know this has been going on for a while now, but this awful story came on television last night and is in todays newspapers. The majority stemming from genuine people wanting to escape the medievel brutality of the so called Islamic State. I don't think Europe knows what to do with refugees and migrants. There are thousands camping on the outskirts of Calais trying to cross into the UK. There are thousands streaming across on boats from North Africa to mainland Europe in need of help. There are reports of Islamic State terrorists hidden with these masses. Already some are saying this is Europe's worst time since World War II. I can't think of a solution apart from the extinction of Daesh, something which was born after the intervention in the middle east by the west in the first place. What a mess.

erotic cheeses
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Re: Crisis in Europe

#2 Post by erotic cheeses » Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:39 pm

I despair of our governments and our people that do nothing about this. Shit is real fucked up

Everybody's Friend
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Re: Crisis in Europe

#3 Post by Everybody's Friend » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:11 am

erotic cheeses wrote:I despair of our governments and our people that do nothing about this. Shit is real fucked up
What do you think we should do?

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Re: Crisis in Europe

#4 Post by perkana » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:33 am

I just read this article ... -holocaust
I think a lot of people would be into this.
I know times have changed for the worst, but back in the late 30's our president Lázaro Cárdenas welcomed a lot of refugees from Spain and holocaust victims.ívar
Bosques was stationed in France from 1939–1943, coinciding with most of World War II, initially as Mexico's Consul General. Fleeing the German occupation of Paris in May 1940, Bosques was instructed by his government to organize a consulate to represent Mexico in Vichy France, which he set up in Marseilles. Once Nazi Germany had occupied France and entrusted much of the governance of the country to Vichy France, he directed consular employees to issue a visa to anybody wanting to flee to Mexico. Under his auspices, visas were issued to approximately 40,000 people, mostly Jews and Spaniards. The Spaniards rescued were refugees from the Francisco Franco regime after the conclusion of the Spanish Civil War in April 1939. Bosques rented a castle and a summer holiday camp in Marseilles to house refugees under the protection of what he maintained was Mexican territory under International Law. In 1943, Bosques, his family (wife and three children), and 40 consular staff members were arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Germany for a year. He was released under an agreement between the German and Mexican governments after Manuel Ávila Camacho (then President of Mexico from 1940 to 1946), imprisoned German citizens in Mexican prisons and made an exchange of prisoners.
Don't think our present government would allow it.

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Re: Crisis in Europe

#5 Post by Larry B. » Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:03 pm

Our host in Edimburgh told us about this, it's awful. How can Europe and the UK not realize that these people aren't 'migrants', but refugees? A guy traveling from Romania is a migrant, my wife and I are temporary migrants. These people are essentially running for their lives.

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Re: Crisis in Europe

#6 Post by perkana » Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:18 pm

I would definitely be into something like this:
A German group which matchmakes citizens willing to share their homes with refugees said it had been overwhelmed by offers of support, with plans in the works for similar schemes in other European countries.
The Berlin-based Refugees Welcome, which has been described as an “Airbnb for refugees”, has helped people fleeing from Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria.
More than 780 Germans have signed up to the Refugees Welcome website and 26 people have been placed in private homes so far. Two of the site’s founders, Jonas Kakoschke, 31, and Mareike Geiling, 28, live with 39-year-old Bakari, a refugee from Mali, whom they are helping with German classes while he waits for a work permit.
A spokesman said the project’s growing success has now led to offers of help to set up similar schemes in other EU countries, including Greece, Portugal and the UK, with a comparable project in Austria already up and running since January. ... rs-of-help
There's a facebook page for UK people

I've only heard about Syrian students being allowed to come to Mexico.

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Re: Crisis in Europe

#7 Post by Artemis » Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:26 pm

Wow, what nerve! . Nice way to thank Sweden for taking them. Obviously, it's not going to be the Four Seasons hotel, but I am sure it's 100 times better than a refugee camp in Lebanon or Turkey.

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Re: Crisis in Europe

#8 Post by mockbee » Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:35 pm

Artemis wrote:Wow, what nerve! . Nice way to thank Sweden for taking them. Obviously, it's not going to be the Four Seasons hotel, but I am sure it's 100 times better than a refugee camp in Lebanon or Turkey.

yuup. Europe's got problems, pretty much on all sides. I have no idea how Germany is going to handle this. I would imagine this guy isn't the norm (some better and some worse), but the question remains, what's the end game here?

Middle East countries not currently in turmoil need to step up.

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Re: Crisis in Europe

#9 Post by Angry Canine » Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:25 am

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading that there was an Egyptian Telecom Billionaire that wanted to buy an island, off of the coast of Greece, or Italy, and then finance the building of infrastructure on it, employing the refugees (which are a cross section of Syria, and Iraq, occupationally). It would seem like a realistic solution, with the bonus of a cash infusion to Greece.

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