
Discussion relating to current events, politics, religion, etc
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Re: Politics

#76 Post by chaos » Tue May 21, 2019 1:57 pm

Jesus Christ. This country runs despite itself. DJT's cabinet is useless (yeah, I know, I 'm stating the obvious). :scared:

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Re: Politics

#77 Post by Pandemonium » Fri May 24, 2019 1:18 pm

chaos wrote:
Tue May 21, 2019 1:57 pm
Jesus Christ. This country runs despite itself. DJT's cabinet is useless (yeah, I know, I 'm stating the obvious). :scared:
Carson's a buffoon. It's incomprehensible that he is or was a neurosurgeon.

At least he didn't ask about REO Speedwagon.

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Re: Politics

#78 Post by SR » Thu Jun 06, 2019 7:44 am

Light reading for the D-Day remembrance
https://www.abebooks.com/book-search/ti ... churchill/

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Re: Politics

#79 Post by kv » Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:29 pm


I really should get those...

It's strange how people change differently with or without the change of time...

Before the internet I was a voracious book reader of anything non fiction (I'd spent my youth in fiction land)

Now I am a voracious internet user, musician and video game player lol..I watch little TV...useless it is live sports or news...ya live content...not pre-recorded ironically...TV and books sleep the fuck out of my brain now...and while I'm certain I am gleaning knowledge at at a greater rate these days, I'm aware that I'm controlling my viewpoint too much... where a good book is a separate stream from your own thought and can drag you along out your set.

I should read more books... :lolol:


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Re: Politics

#80 Post by Bandit72 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:40 pm

Okayyyyy, so now we now have a c*nt in charge of the United States and a c*nt in charge of the United Kingdom.

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Re: Politics

#81 Post by Mescal » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:30 pm

Bandit72 wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:40 pm
Okayyyyy, so now we now have a c*nt in charge of the United States and a c*nt in charge of the United Kingdom.
Yep, exactly.

Crazy ....

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Re: Politics

#82 Post by SR » Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:43 am

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Re: Politics

#83 Post by SR » Wed Aug 07, 2019 6:24 am

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... edirect=on

President George W. Bush's chief speechwriter, Michael Gerson wrote:
"I had fully intended to ignore President Trump’s latest round of racially charged taunts against an African American elected official, and an African American activist, and an African American journalist and a whole city with a lot of African Americans in it. I had every intention of walking past Trump’s latest outrages and writing about the self-destructive squabbling of the Democratic presidential field, which has chosen to shame former Vice President Joe Biden for the sin of being an electable, moderate liberal.
But I made the mistake of pulling James Cone’s 'The Cross and the Lynching Tree' off my shelf — a book designed to shatter convenient complacency. Cone recounts the case of a white mob in Valdosta, Ga., in 1918 that lynched an innocent man named Haynes Turner. Turner’s enraged wife, Mary, promised justice for the killers. The sheriff responded by arresting her and then turning her over to the mob, which included women and children. According to one source, Mary was 'stripped, hung upside down by the ankles, soaked with gasoline, and roasted to death. In the midst of this torment, a white man opened her swollen belly with a hunting knife and her infant fell to the ground and was stomped to death.'
God help us. It is hard to write the words. This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters, capable of burning a grieving widow to death and killing her child.
When the President of the United States plays with that fire or takes that beast out for a walk, it is not just another political event, not just a normal day in campaign 2020. It is a cause for shame. It is the violation of martyrs’ graves. It is obscene graffiti on the Lincoln Memorial. It is, in the eyes of history, the betrayal — the re-betrayal — of Haynes and Mary Turner and their child. And all of this is being done by an ignorant and arrogant narcissist reviving racist tropes for political gain, indifferent to the wreckage he is leaving, the wounds he is ripping open.
Like, I suspect, many others, I am finding it hard to look at resurgent racism as just one in a series of presidential offenses or another in a series of Republican errors. Racism is not just another wrong. The Antietam battlefield is not just another plot of ground. The Edmund Pettus Bridge is not just another bridge. The balcony outside Room 306 at the Lorraine Motel is not just another balcony. As U.S. history hallows some causes, it magnifies some crimes.
What does all this mean politically? It means that Trump’s divisiveness is getting worse, not better. He makes racist comments, appeals to racist sentiments and inflames racist passions. The rationalization that he is not, deep down in his heart, really a racist is meaningless. Trump’s continued offenses mean that a large portion of his political base is energized by racist tropes and the language of white grievance. And it means — whatever their intent — that those who play down, or excuse, or try to walk past these offenses are enablers.
Some political choices are not just stupid or crude. They represent the return of our country’s cruelest, most dangerous passion. Such racism indicts Trump. Treating racism as a typical or minor matter indicts us."

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Re: Politics

#84 Post by Hype » Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:49 pm

They want to be cruel. They think they earned the right.

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Re: Politics

#85 Post by Pandemonium » Sat Aug 10, 2019 2:46 pm

So gazillionare pedo trafficer Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide today...

Coincidently, just a couple days ago documents had been unsealed that mentions people like Prince Andrew, Senator Mitchell, Governor Richardson and of course, Alan Dershowitz was likely the tip of the iceberg. His pals and participants appear to cross political and national barriers. The stakes and ramifications for these and other high profile people involved in his pedo ring if Epstein ever got on the stand at trial would have been catastrophic for them.

After Epstein supposedly "harming" himself a few weeks ago and initially being found unresponsive, under any circumstances a prisoner like that would be under 24/7 watch *especially* with such a high profile trial looming. Supposedly, he was taken off suicide watch a couple weeks ago but still in his own cell away from general population and supposedly monitored. Even if he actually did kill himself, there has to be a ridiculous degree of malfeasance on the part of whoever was monitoring him to let this happen. Also, one report stated Epstein was not "dead" when the 911 responders took him to the Hospital. So, added opportunities to insure Epstein tells no tales.

This was probably the most predictable outcome of any such case in modern history. What's more shocking is that it actually happened exactly like most predicted brazenly for all to see. There's a very long lost of powerful and important people that are glad of the events of today. Expect more sudden, unexplained "deaths" to happen to key individuals in the coming months as this whole thing gets buried. Ghislaine Maxwell for one should be pretty paranoid.

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but in this case, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.... well, do the math.

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Re: Politics

#86 Post by Matz » Mon Aug 12, 2019 3:20 am

exactly what I thought, why the fuck was this guy not on suicide watch? Or how about removing any shit from the cell he could use to hang yourself with? How hard can that be?

I hate it, those super rich ultra powerful people get away with anything, pulling strings here and there and stuff. Sickening, here's to hoping they get busted somehow anyway

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Re: Politics

#87 Post by Hype » Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:25 pm

Honestly, as tempting as it clearly is to jump to some kind of conspiracy about his death, I think the stupidest/simplest answer is probably the correct one: many people who work in corrections probably look the other way when (suspected/alleged/actual) pedos attempt suicide, even while on "suicide watch" precisely because they're, rightly (as violent sexual offenders against children, not as mentally ill, pathetic humans), considered the lowest of the low and deserving of death. Combine that with low pay and lax standards, and the extreme high profile of this case and the likelihood of someone like this doing something like this when they get caught, and it seems far more likely dude just really wanted to end it and they let him.

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Re: Politics

#88 Post by chaos » Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:52 pm

The jail is an overcrowded, understaffed cesspool. Although the institution is negligent, I think Epstein simply took advantage of the opportunity to act.


Like other federal prisons, the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) suffers from shortages of staff and resources, prisoner overcrowding and is plagued by violence and poor sanitary conditions.

The jail was built to accommodate 474 inmates, but held 763 male prisoners at the time of Epstein's death, according to a statement from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Prisoners have described seeing large rats in their cells, air conditioner units so noisy it is impossible to sleep, and absence of any natural light or sanitary water.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national ... story.html


Serene Gregg, president of the American Federation of Government Employees Local 3148, said the Metropolitan Correctional Center is functioning with less than 70 percent of the needed correctional officers, forcing many to work mandatory overtime and 60- or 70-hour workweeks.

She said one of the individuals assigned to watch Epstein’s unit did not normally work as a correctional officer but, like others in roles such as counselors and teachers, was able to do so. She declined to say which one or specify the person’s regular role.

“If it wasn’t Mr. Epstein, it would have been somebody else, because of the conditions at that institution,” Gregg said. “It wasn’t a matter of how it happened or it happening, but it was only a matter of time for it to happen. It was inevitable. Our staff is severely overworked.”

Gregg said she did not know details of the investigation into Epstein’s death and declined to detail her discussions with those working that night. But she said she has long complained about understaffing at the facility, telling superiors, “It’s only a matter of time before we have a loss of life.” And in Epstein’s case, she said, it was possible overwork of officers played a role.

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Re: Politics

#89 Post by Matz » Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:17 pm

just watched Bernie Sanders on Rogan, I'd vote for him if I could I think, seems like a good man with good ideas, the cancellation of student debt e.g

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Re: Politics

#90 Post by chaos » Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:12 am

I didn't believe this until I saw/heard him on tape. (I couldn't embed the tape, but it is in the article.)

We're devolving in real time. :banghead:

Canada, please don't build a wall around us.
https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story ... 007230001/

U.S. Rep. Steve King: If not for rape and incest, 'would there be any population left?'
Robin Opsahl, Des Moines Register Published 11:39 a.m. CT Aug. 14, 2019 | Updated 12:48 p.m. CT Aug. 14, 2019

U.S. Rep. Steve King told the Westside Conservative Club Wednesday that humanity might not exist if not for rape and incest throughout human history.

"What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" he said in Urbandale, Iowa. "Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages that happened throughout all these different nations, I know that I can't say that I was not a part of a product of that."

The Kiron Republican was discussing his defense of not allowing exceptions for rape and incest in the anti-abortion legislation he tried to pass in Congress. Republican leadership had prevented bills he sponsored on banning abortions from advancing through the House, despite GOP support for the measures, King said.

Just because a conception happened in bad circumstances doesn't mean the result isn't a person, King, who is Catholic, argued.

"It's not the baby's fault for the sin of the father, or of the mother," he said.

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Re: Politics

#91 Post by Hype » Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:22 pm

There are tons of idiots who believe stuff like that everywhere. The Catholic Church is pretty big up here historically, at least in Ontario and Quebec. It may sound insane when a legislator connects it up to some specific policy or other (because it is), but if you're going after that specific niche, it makes sense to say things like that. What's astonishing is how poorly civic education has been at getting people to understand that you can be a 'conservative' within a broadly 'liberal' democratic framework precisely because that framework allows a plurality of visions of the good life by design. The whole point is to recognize that your right to believe and practice whatever the fuck you want so long as you're not hurting anyone is not a license to enter public office and foist that on others -- that very idea is self-undermining as soon as you admit that if anyone who disagreed with you did it, it would take away your freedom to practice your vision of a good life.

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Re: Politics

#92 Post by chaos » Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:15 am


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Re: Politics

#93 Post by Artemis » Sat Aug 24, 2019 11:34 am


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Re: Politics

#94 Post by SR » Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:56 pm

Boris has had a week. For such a gentile and reserved country, the British Parliament is a Sex Pistols mosh pit

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Re: Politics

#95 Post by Bandit72 » Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:46 am

SR wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:56 pm
Boris has had a week. For such a gentile and reserved country, the British Parliament is a Sex Pistols mosh pit
SR, this country is a laughing stock. I've never known politics take such a massive nose dive as it is doing now in this country. NO ONE knows what the hell is going on. And to top it all, John Bercow (the speaker of the house) is stepping down at the end of the month. He is THE best thing about British politics.

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Re: Politics

#96 Post by mockbee » Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:10 am

“Trudeau came out to apologize for one blackface and ended up admitting to more. He’s like: ‘I did brownface for “Aladdin” and I did blackface when I sang the song “Day-O.” And now if you’ll excuse me, daylight’s coming and me wan’ go home.’” — TREVOR NOAH

“This is pretty bad and I just want to say: It’s not us this time! Suck it, Canada!” — STEPHEN COLBERT

“I’m not going to show you the picture because it’s really bad. It’s so bad that Canadians traveling in Europe are going to start telling people they’re American.” — SETH MEYERS
:lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

Oh boy...... So what do our Canucks think of Trudeau's troubles?

Serious or overblown?

The end of the honeymoon?

I read an article that said that Canadians were skeptical of him for a while, especially after supporting the trans-mountain pipeline.....and the blackface is more bursting the American bromance with him?


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Re: Politics

#97 Post by Hype » Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:21 pm

My favourite Justin Trudeau joke is kind of misogynist, but also very, very funny, because it exposes something I think many Canadians have known for a very long time. It's from Norm MacDonald. He says something like: "My father loved Pierre Elliot Trudeau. And when Justin Trudeau came along, I thought he would be as intelligent as his father. But then I remembered: he has a mother."

The joke, I guess, is at the expense of Margaret Trudeau, who was not an intellectual. And Justin was never seen as likely to follow his father into politics until he gave an exceptionally good eulogy at his father's funeral. Prior to that moment, and his brother's untimely death, everyone was sure that Michel Trudeau would be the one to go into politics. But he died, and his father died, and we got Justin.

Here's Norm hinting at it a bit:

He says: "He seems not to have inherited his father's flinty intellect."

But apparently Norm voted for Justin, so... we're kind of in a bad position here. The alternatives are tricky. It's not clear that the NDP can win a national election, and the Conservatives are nuts. They're following the American model pretty closely these days.

Trudeau has been an exceptional PR rep for Canada, and has handled the world stage very, very well. As a politician, his skills are social and emotional, rather than rhetorical or intellectual or policy-wonkish. And Canada kind of needed that after the Harper -- the wonkiest president in decades.

I'm very concerned that we're going to end up with a Conservative government again.

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Re: Politics

#98 Post by mockbee » Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:46 am

Hype wrote:
Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:21 pm

Here's Norm hinting at it a bit:

Norm says some really intelligent things here about Trump. It's amazing to me that "intelligent" liberals don't get a lot of what he is talking about. It's easy to hate Trump, that isn't a position, it's lazy.

Also, I think Trump is actually far more strategic/conniving than even Norm is giving him credit for. The chaos is orchestrated for the media and the hysterical class. It's perfect for ignoring real shit that is happening.


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Re: Politics

#99 Post by Hype » Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:53 pm

the Harper -- the wonkiest president in decades.
:confused: Man, I must have been typing on my phone and exhausted when I wrote this. I meant "Harper...the...Prime Minister...". Yeesh.

Anyway, Norm is an interesting person. His brother Neil is a senior journalist for the CBC and clearly both are very, very intelligent. Norm claims to be a pretty traditional Christian, and seems to have a lot of conservative views/fans (including alt-right). But he voted Liberal in our election last time 'round, and appears to be a fairly reflective guy who just has some deep conservative intuitions.

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Re: Politics

#100 Post by Artemis » Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:54 pm

mockbee wrote:
Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:10 am
“Trudeau came out to apologize for one blackface and ended up admitting to more. He’s like: ‘I did brownface for “Aladdin” and I did blackface when I sang the song “Day-O.” And now if you’ll excuse me, daylight’s coming and me wan’ go home.’” — TREVOR NOAH

“This is pretty bad and I just want to say: It’s not us this time! Suck it, Canada!” — STEPHEN COLBERT

“I’m not going to show you the picture because it’s really bad. It’s so bad that Canadians traveling in Europe are going to start telling people they’re American.” — SETH MEYERS
:lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

Oh boy...... So what do our Canucks think of Trudeau's troubles?

Serious or overblown?

The end of the honeymoon?

I read an article that said that Canadians were skeptical of him for a while, especially after supporting the trans-mountain pipeline.....and the blackface is more bursting the American bromance with him?

I think the brown/black faces incidents are overblown. Of course with the election campaign in full swing, the media and other parties are milking this.

Personally, I do not believe Justin Trudeau is racist, just dumb for doing what he did. Even though his make-up was for dramatic effect and getting into his character, he really should have known better. The school that employed him didn't find anything wrong with what he did because the photos were published in the year book. The other two incidents didn't have any complaints either. Yes, it was earlier times and people weren't so politically correct like now, but it wasn't THAT long ago to say that he didn't know or understand how black/brown face could be racist and offensive. I do find it odd that these weren't mentioned during the last election.

As for how I'm going to vote, I will vote for JT and the Liberals again because the other options aren't great. I mean, I like Jasmeet Singh, but as Hype said, the NDP will not be voted in, nor will the Green Party. It will be down to Trudeau and Andrew Scheer for the Conservatives(his campaign chair is a white supremist, founder of Rebel Media). My vote will be strategic- anyone but Andrew Scheer or Maxime Bernier(People's Party of Canada).

The JT honeymoon has worn off for sure. The pipeline support was disappointing as was the SNC Lavalin scandal.

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