The Official review

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The Official review

#1 Post by JOEinPHX » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:21 am

Go ahead and tell me who the negative person is now. I dare you. ... here-we-go
sonny wrote:

underground: “here we go!” oh, no “here we go!”? ok. this is the best track on the record. if i had to compare this, i’d compare this track to red hot chili pepper’s dave navarro era. it’s erratic, it’s herky jerky, but somehow perry makes a decent melody in small spots. the “i try to find some love…” is great. sounds a little more like a porno for pyros melody to me, but it’s all perry. his voice is light and feminine. i’m skipping ahead a little, but i would’ve taken the breakdown part of “splash a little water on it” and put it in here, instead of the last minute of dave wanking and repeating the chorus.

end to the lies:
you’ve heard this one. this is a strong track. i know perry thinks he is being clever with his bathroom lyrics. specifically the line “you were the fore skin, i was the real head”. here’s a clue, eric avery and (that’s who this song is about, in case you didn’t know) never wanted to be the leader, he only wanted jane’s addiction to stay a special band. so perry could’ve been the entire dick and balls, and the rest of the band and his fans the pubic hairs for all we care. as long as you stay the course. so yeah, this song is a great musically. and even the melody is good, but the weird al yankovic lyrics just KILL this song. so pretend perry is singing “enter the eyes”, maybe. (one plus, they can play this one live, without a backing track)

curiosity kills:
you just know this one’s gonna suck. this fucker is a dance track from perryetty transformed into a jane’s addiction track. so sad. just move this track right next to that copy of “applause for you”. it doesn’t belong here. i can’t believe this shit.

irresistible force:
i hate the spoken part at the beginning. you’ve heard this one, i’m sure and i think most like it. the lyrics could’ve been so good considering the subject of the title. the verse and chorus barely match up here. it’s such a huge jump into that chorus, there should’ve been a different structure to this song. it’s almost like they got this great big U2 chorus and couldn’t figure out to what to do with it. i like dave’s solo here, although it’s really just the melody, it fits.

i’ll hit you back:
dude, what is this drum beat? is stephen even on this track? i think i have this drum track sample on Garageband. this feels like another perry track that the band was forced to make. ugh, why? i’ve never heard a lyric sound so forced as “i’ll hit you back”. it’s a great phrase, but if it doesn’t fit, just leave it. don’t force this shit. this might be the second worst jane’s addiction track i’ve ever heard.

twisted tales:
isn’t this a p!nk song? is linda perry writing songs for jane’s addiction now? i suppose this is another perry track. i don’t like it. i realize it has a catchy section there, but it’s two lines of decent melody and not much else. this has to be a perryetty track. ugh.

ultimate reason: can ya feel duff on this one? hard rock bullshit. is dave playing this track or did duff play guitar and bass? go ahead, go listen to duff’s band loaded… i’ll wait… if this doesn’t sound just like them, then i’m crazy. and i got nothing against Duff, he seems like a great guy and he’s obviously smart for bailing on this piece of shit.

splash a little water on it: i just knew this was gonna be a short “thank you boys” track, with no significance. the title sounds like a song for toddlers on nick jr. and believe me i know those songs and they are all better than this. this is so painful. the guitar sounds like coldplay and again stephen seems absent here. it could be anyone or any machine on drums here. as i said previously the breakdown on this song is great and the real jane’s addiction would’ve recognized it and put this on the end of another great piece of music. the truth is perry from ‘89 would’ve stitched this breakdown to underground’s butt and we’d have had one amazing track. as is, this is the WORST JANE’S ADDICTION SONG EVA!

Broken People: i gotta admit, i had hoped this song was about me. etty’s pet name for the website i use to run was “broken people with broken dreams”. the few people who heard this song when Duff was still in the band called this song dark like old Jane’s Addiction. what blasphemy. who are these people and how can they be trusted? this is an ‘80’s winger or warrant or slaughterhouse leftover at best. perry ‘89 would’ve laughed at this track 10 seconds in and turned it off at 20 seconds.

Words Right out of my Mouth: crazy perry at the beginning, that’s gotta be good. immediately i think this sounds like some mike watt from old. if it weren’t so produced, if the lyrics weren’t the weakest part (again) this could be played right next to trip away or stop! and you likely wouldn’t go get a beer.

perry: eric avery, unfortunately was right i think. perry’s new insulated life has taken away what was special. i’d like to give all that credit to eric or casey even, but it wouldn’t be fair. perry was an amazing artist once. everything he touched turned to gold. who knows what happened? i’d like to blame something.

i really just think perry isn’t what he once was, but his inflated ego will not allow him to realize this. it’s ok to deteriorate over time. all artist do. great artist adjust. perry’s voice isn’t the same either, he seems to talk/sing his way through a lot of the verses. this is a lazy way to do things. there are glimpses of old perry here and there, you’ll know it right away, when you hear it. there was a time i wished perry would change the direction of jane’s addiction and in turn himself. now, i just realize he may not be able to, and it makes me a little sad about his future.

dave: i think dave looks the best on this album. the good songs, sound like dave navarro solo tracks with perry guesting on vocals. dave put in some hard work here and who can blame him? he’s chose his horse. he allowed perry free reign on the cover (mistake), he even gave perry a co producer credit on an album it was clear dave spent more time on. maybe perry gets an automatic co produce on everything he works on, i’m not sure. dave loses no ground here, he only looks like the guitar maniac he is. if there is a mold for the alternative hard rock guitar guy, dave navarro is it.

stephen: stephen shines here and there, but i can’t help but think he did what he was told and didn’t have a lot of time to work on his part of these songs. go listen to any album other than the panic channel or infectious grooves featuring stephen perkins. you don’t ask stephen to come play like chad smith, which is what he is doing here. perkins needs to be perkins.

sitek: dave sitek, you should be ashamed for even starting this bullshit. fuck off, with yr own band. TV on the Radio is a great band. you only hurt yrself and jane’s addiction by rehearsing with these guys. this isn’t a side project, this isn’t a commercial jingle, this is the mighty jane’s addiction. when you lead them to believe this is good shit, they believed you. you should apologize to the band and me personally. the fucking band is dead now, are ya happy?

Duff: i can’t blame him for leaving. considering his contributions here, he could taken those exact songs to loaded and they wouldn’t sound any different. i’m sure he was hoping for some magic, when it’s clear the 3 left are just the pretty faces.

cover: that cover is shit. yeah, perry made it. but come on… perry spent days/weeks on those first 3 covers. he put every bit of himself in those covers. he ached over those covers. you can’t sit at yr kitchen table and hope to get the same level of artistry in a few evenings. i personally think The Panic Channel’s cover kills this one, all day long.

final thoughts:
i said “you are gonna fucking love this record” when describing strays. i don’t feel even close to that excitement about this material. strays is better than this record and i know right now people wanna say “at least it’s better than strays”. time will show that i’m right about this one and i’ll leave it at that. (go ahead, go listen to strays, it’s not fresh to the ears, but it’s better)

this record suffers from the same overproduced sound that strays did. which is gonna make it tough to play some of these new tracks live. i expect to hear “underground” and “word right out of my mouth” in the set soon. those two tracks will translate great live. i wouldn’t play them to close to the greats like “mountain song” or “three days” or you might remind watching fans how big a difference there really is between the greatest songs and the middle of the road songs.

other than ‘Underground’ there isn’t one song here that i want to listen to again. there are songs from The Panic Channel and Satellite Party that are better than the other 9 songs on this album. this album will fade from memory very quick.

now, to be honest, if this was my friend’s record i’d be much kinder. i suspect this is the problem with Jane’s Addiction. there are too many friends of the band telling them how bad ass they still are. so go ahead and ignore this one fan or troll, which ever moniker you choose. after all it’s easier to dismiss me and what i’m saying, than to face facts. Jane’s Addiction is Dead. that band yr selling now, is just a shell of what once was.

ranking: so where does this album fall in the album charts of jane’s addiction? i’m gonna have to recreate my list in order of greatness.

1. Nothing’s Shocking

2. Ritual de lo Habitual

3. Triple X

4. Porno for Pyros

5. Deconstruction

6. Good God’s Urge

7. Polar Bear - Why Something Instead of Nothing?

8. Psi Com

9. Strays

10. Eric Avery - Help Wanted

11. Spread

12. The Great Escape Artist

13. The Panic Channel - One

14. Banyan - Anytime At All

15. Perry Farrell - Song yet to be Sung

16. Satellite Party

17. Banyan

18. Dave Navarro - Trust No One

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Re: The Official review

#2 Post by Warped » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:26 am

As said in the other thread i couldn't even read through all of this. It's not even worth its own thread imo.
This is not a review, this is just a bitter man.


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Re: The Official review

#3 Post by cursed male » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:32 am

Sonny is entitled entitled to his opinion just like everyone else. Be it negative or positive. Still and forever disagree with 'End to the Lies' being about though...

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Re: The Official review

#4 Post by Larry B. » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:33 am

Having already said that I think it is mostly a fair review, with some exceptions, I think it's funny to consider Sonny's previous post there, from 4 days ago...
Sonny (taken from South Park) wrote:You see, Stan, as you get older, things that you used to like start looking and sounding like shit. And things that seemed shitty as a child don’t seem as shitty. With you, somehow, the wires have gotten crossed, and everything looks and sounds like shit to you. It’s a condition called Being a Cynical Asshole.

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Re: The Official review

#5 Post by Bandit72 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:39 am

Where are they in that photograph? Looks like some dog rough council estate.

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Re: The Official review

#6 Post by thoreau » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:42 am

I can't say I'm surprised by the review. Sonny wasn't at all a fan of either "ETTL" or "IF" when they first leaked out.

Definitely a very bitter review though.

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Re: The Official review

#7 Post by Japhy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:45 am

Bandit72 wrote:Where are they in that photograph? Looks like some dog rough council estate.
Yeah, but at least they're crossing the road in a completely natural "look at us, we're just out for a stroll" way!!! Laughable... much like Sonny's review.

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Re: The Official review

#8 Post by trevor ayer » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:14 am

those 2 look like flamingos with their leg up in that pic .. sonny is not that far off the mark .. way overproduced for sure .. does not sound like a janes record at all and clearly is not a janes record .. its the guys from janes participating in a record company produced record .. perry pushed to the front as a pop singer record instead of a member of a great band .. daves stuff is cool.. the music is very cool in places .. but the focus is all on the pop singer vocals .. perry is not a pop singer .. his voice has never been pop singer worthy .. the grand dillusion should be the name of this record .. perry is not bowie ... not even close .. this is perrys alanis morrisette record .. sounds like glen ballard or maybe a mediocre garbage track .. there is nothing rock n roll about this record .. and that is very sad to consider of janes addiction .. this is like when aerosmith did "dont want to miss a thing" except nowhere near as catchy .. its not good enough to appeal to the pop modern rock record .. and its not gonna hold up for hardcore janes fans who will grow tired of the studio bullshit and revert back to the classics soon enough

lastly .. i can't believe sonny placed this record above banyan ..

nothings shocking
good gods
psi com
polar bear why something

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Re: The Official review

#9 Post by crater » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:25 am

I don't agree with his album rankings, but I do agree with the majority of what he had to say about TGEA

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Re: The Official review

#10 Post by Eric B. » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:27 am

He sounds like a bitter old man here, maybe it's not completely bullshit but I want to have my pink sunglasses on for a bit longer here.

Great game he starts here's my entry (can someone make a poll of this?):

1. Nothing’s Shocking
2. Ritual de lo Habitual
3. Triple X
4. The Great Escape Artist
5. Strays
6. Satellite Party
7. Deconstruction
8. Good God’s Urge
9. Porno for Pyros
10. Spread
11. Dave Navarro - Trust No One
12. Perry Farrell - Song yet to be Sung
13. Red Hot Chili Peppers - One Hot Minute
14. Eric Avery - Help Wanted
15. Polar Bear - Why Something Instead of Nothing?
16. Jane's Addiction - Kettle Whistle
17. Psi Com
18. Polar Bear - Chewing gum EP
19. The Panic Channel - One
20. Banyan - Anytime At All
21. Banyan
22. Banyan - Live at Perkins Palace

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Re: The Official review

#11 Post by Essence_Smith » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:44 am

I haven't read the review as yet...but is the bottom line whether he sounds bitter or if his review is on point or not? :noclue:

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Re: The Official review

#12 Post by Japhy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:48 am

I've not heard 50% of that list so i can't really play. I've never cared for all the spin-off stuff, so it's only SYTBS that i know outside of the main stuff. Loved that record and hear bits of it in TGEA, which is probably another reason i like the new stuff.

This thread is proving a good place for the haters to hang though isn't it. It's like Sonny is Voldemort or something! That said, i like it that it's getting all these varied opinions... i'm sure there will be changes, both ways, over the coming days / weeks. There are still 2-3 songs that i'm far from convinced with.

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Re: The Official review

#13 Post by Eric B. » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:51 am

Somewhere in the middle. This album will probably lose some of its shinyness it's got now but I think he realy sounds pissed on here and that's partly because of his personal issues with the farrells which I am not a part off and am not willing to cloud my judgment and current happiness with the album by.

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Re: The Official review

#14 Post by Essence_Smith » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:59 am

trevor ayer wrote:those 2 look like flamingos with their leg up in that pic .. sonny is not that far off the mark .. way overproduced for sure .. does not sound like a janes record at all and clearly is not a janes record .. its the guys from janes participating in a record company produced record .. perry pushed to the front as a pop singer record instead of a member of a great band .. daves stuff is cool.. the music is very cool in places .. but the focus is all on the pop singer vocals .. perry is not a pop singer .. his voice has never been pop singer worthy .. the grand dillusion should be the name of this record .. perry is not bowie ... not even close .. this is perrys alanis morrisette record .. sounds like glen ballard or maybe a mediocre garbage track .. there is nothing rock n roll about this record .. and that is very sad to consider of janes addiction .. this is like when aerosmith did "dont want to miss a thing" except nowhere near as catchy .. its not good enough to appeal to the pop modern rock record .. and its not gonna hold up for hardcore janes fans who will grow tired of the studio bullshit and revert back to the classics soon enough

I agree with most of this...I think people have to get rid of thinking this is a Jane's Addiction record before they can judge it...if you're judging from the old HIGH standards they set, you're setting yourself up for disappointment...the band members themselves have all pretty much come clean and admitted that they're not even trying to be the old far as Sonny's review I didn't care for it...he makes good points but the overall tone takes your attention away from any of it...and clearly his personal interaction with the band over the years makes it tough for him...I don't know if I'd say he's bitter, but definitely he takes it a little too seriously and like a lot of us needs to let go...

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Re: The Official review

#15 Post by Essence_Smith » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:00 am

Japhy wrote:It's like Sonny is Voldemort or something
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Official review

#16 Post by Pandemonium » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:41 am

Minus the obvious bitterness, I agree with most of Sonny's comments about the album and songs. The one thing I strongly disagree with him on regarding the songs is WROOMM isn't that good - it's generic, lazy Panic Channel/Velvet Revolver type rawk.

Oh, and I think his lower rankings of some of the albums is way off - Perry's SYTS and Navarro's TNO should be much higher up than Panic Channel or Satellite Party (which is the bottom of the barrel, imo)

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Re: The Official review

#17 Post by Hokahey » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:13 am

Bitter? Maybe. But definitely biased. It would be impossible for him to judge it any other way. After 5 years away from interacting with the Jane's camp can I only now begin to feel disconnected enough to not let personal feelings influence how I hear the band. In fact, it's only been over the past few months that I've started listening to the old catalogue again.

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Re: The Official review

#18 Post by guysmiley » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:44 am

Anyone with a grasp on the english language knows the subject matter of the song is about a dude (singular), and not a bunch of people, and the subject matter is about lies, hence a store or stories. I find it ironic about the pedal comment by Perry when Eric said he tried the same thing. True be told. Perry is and always will be full of shit. Love him or hate him. He's a fried crack head. I love him. But he needs to get over it and cut the shit as do many here. I'm so sick of him and us going through this shit. So yeah. Have fun all of you "broken people", Perry included. I'm busy with my life too. so..... :flip: right back at any of you.

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Re: The Official review

#19 Post by guysmiley » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:46 am

oh and a shot at us doesnt sell records.........just saying. I've been over this shit a long time ago. If you dont like it turn off your computer

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Re: The Official review

#20 Post by LJF » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:26 pm

Sonny is right that Jane's is dead, that is the old Jane's. This new cd needs to be listened to as a new band not the old Jane's. I tried to do that, but I was holding out hope that some how they could turn back time and deliver a classic. But when I first listened I was dissappoint. So I walked away and came back a day later to listen and tried to think it was just a new band. It wasn't as bad, this is an ok cd if listening like this isn't Jane's. It isn't special, but it isn't terrible.

Perry isn't close to the same person he was in the 80's- early 90's, not saying that is good or bad it just is. Somewhere between the two PFP cd's he started to change. The first PFP cd was very good, much more primal. Then GGU was more spiritual & mellow, also a good cd. Everything since then that he has created has been average at best.

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Re: The Official review

#21 Post by Deconstruction » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:33 pm

Sonny's quote about old Perry turning it off in 15 seconds shows how flawed his review and view points are. Perry's not 30 years old any more. Disagree with his review.

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Re: The Official review

#22 Post by Romeo » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:03 pm

LJF wrote:Sonny is right that Jane's is dead, that is the old Jane's. This new cd needs to be listened to as a new band not the old Jane's.

that's why when anyone mentions this in context of being anything like old Janes I cringe

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Re: The Official review

#23 Post by ESY » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:21 pm

Sonny's line about Strays being better? Strays is OK but my biggest problem (of many) with it, was that it was a pastiche of what Janes was - it was almost Janes by committee. It was what a Janes Addiction record would be if it was made by someone other than Janes Addiction.
I am simply loving TGEA. Not because it is better than NS or RDLH (not possible) but because the band decided to be brave and make an album that is true to who they are today, not 20 some years ago. It is a studio album (just play it on headphones) and as such I don't see many of these songs coming alive in a live setting, but that's OK. I have my memories of who these middle aged, and still very talented, rockers used to be. I don't need them to pretend that they can still bring it live. Based on TGEA, if they just existed as a studio band from this point on I would have no problem with that.

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Re: The Official review

#24 Post by Japhy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:23 pm

Romeo wrote:
LJF wrote:Sonny is right that Jane's is dead, that is the old Jane's. This new cd needs to be listened to as a new band not the old Jane's.

that's why when anyone mentions this in context of being anything like old Janes I cringe
Do you actually cringe? Really? Some of you people have actual issues over this nonsense don't you. :noclue:

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Re: The Official review

#25 Post by Japhy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:26 pm

ESY wrote:Sonny's line about Strays being better? Strays is OK but my biggest problem (of many) with it, was that it was a pastiche of what Janes was - it was almost Janes by committee. It was what a Janes Addiction record would be if it was made by someone other than Janes Addiction.
I am simply loving TGEA. Not because it is better than NS or RDLH (not possible) but because the band decided to be brave and make an album that is true to who they are today, not 20 some years ago. It is a studio album (just play it on headphones) and as such I don't see many of these songs coming alive in a live setting, but that's OK. I have my memories of who these middle aged, and still very talented, rockers used to be. I don't need them to pretend that they can still bring it live. Based on TGEA, if they just existed as a studio band from this point on I would have no problem with that.
Fuck me, do i have 2 accounts? I could have easily written this. Agree with everything but i do really hope they find a way to carry these songs over into live shows.

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