Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#51 Post by sonny » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:14 pm

hokahey wrote:
sonny wrote: hoka forgets he sold his site to the porn king, rather suddenly and then sold all his personal stuff from perry/etty - some of which i think he would admit he regrets.

How could anyone forget that? You've been all too keen on ensuring no one does. You hold that like it's some trump card against anything I ever say about Xiola.

b-b-b-b-ut porn king!

Which has what to do with what anyone here has said? I sold it because I didn't like Jane's anymore. Not because running a board is so hard. And everyone knew what was happening. It was transparent. And 99% of the people there were also registered at Xiola. No one was lost, confused, etc.

You're comparing my 6 year old apples to your bananas.

And no, I don't regret selling the handwritten lyrics for To Match the Sun on a wedding card Perry sent me, or the Ultra Payloaded Satellite Party scribbles on a peice of parchment paper. :lolol:
i was referring to the "suddenness" with which you do so. it's obviously a sensitive subject, with you deciding you no long like jane's addiction and all. i will leave it at that.

my main point being it's not unheard of. erik did twice if not more times. my first message board was born because Erik killed his. and he killed his whole site a few years after that and gave me and a few others a copy of it. when i tried to use the copy, he didn't like it because i didn't put it up just as he had it. nor did he want it to be an archive.

what i did isn't new. only the anger and i understand people being angry. so have at it. :bigrin:

Tyler Durden

Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#52 Post by Tyler Durden » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:20 pm

sonny wrote:running a board for 3 weeks and running one for 10 years are two completely different things.

i hope all goes well and it's easy to say the board failed because sonny was unstable, but i think 10 years is pretty stable.

hoka forgets he sold his site to the porn king, rather suddenly and then sold all his personal stuff from perry/etty - some of which i think he would admit he regrets.

uh, i would respond to other stuff, but it seems the responses are getting kind along. i'll read over them and try to respond. i don't expect everyone to understand, and you have a right to be mad.

whether this site will last or not, has yet to be seen. it's easy to say "we'll run it this way and it'll be just fine". whores, 1%, aintnosite, the panic channel (six7six7' fav) all said the same thing at some point, but was the only one standing in the end.

i understand people are mad, so no one wants to give credit to the douchebag that just caused all the hurt. nor do i need the credit, i think the history of the site speaks for itself.
I'm not mad...nor do I want/need to hear an explanation for what you did...cuz I just don't care. It's was a website and a message board, nothing more. I know of amazing websites and message boards devoted to bands that have been around longer than was...and the people who run them aren't looking for any kind of recognition (good or bad). You didn't cure cancer.

Sorry to anyone that is offended by this. I just don't get it. :noclue:

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#53 Post by perkana » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:24 pm

I feel the same way...but I'm glad technology has changed and decon, hoka and creep were able to keep us together. So thanks to everybody :rockon:
And I don't think less of anyone who sells what or the reason some board was closed down. I've met a whole bunch of people, not only here, and have been in touch for so long now.
But I want to thank sonny for uploading those videos, that's fucking musical history.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#54 Post by sonny » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:25 pm

Tyler Durden wrote:
sonny wrote:running a board for 3 weeks and running one for 10 years are two completely different things.

i hope all goes well and it's easy to say the board failed because sonny was unstable, but i think 10 years is pretty stable.

hoka forgets he sold his site to the porn king, rather suddenly and then sold all his personal stuff from perry/etty - some of which i think he would admit he regrets.

uh, i would respond to other stuff, but it seems the responses are getting kind along. i'll read over them and try to respond. i don't expect everyone to understand, and you have a right to be mad.

whether this site will last or not, has yet to be seen. it's easy to say "we'll run it this way and it'll be just fine". whores, 1%, aintnosite, the panic channel (six7six7' fav) all said the same thing at some point, but was the only one standing in the end.

i understand people are mad, so no one wants to give credit to the douchebag that just caused all the hurt. nor do i need the credit, i think the history of the site speaks for itself.
I'm not mad...nor do I want/need to hear an explanation for what you did...cuz I just don't care. It's was a website and a message board, nothing more. I know of amazing websites and message boards devoted to bands that have been around longer than was...and the people who run them aren't looking for any kind of recognition (good or bad). You didn't cure cancer.

Sorry to anyone that is offended by this. I just don't get it. :noclue:
it's not rocket science either. :lol:

if you don't need an explanation, then you don't need to read my explanations. some people wanted one. others want to claim they can just take what i did, duplicate it with some of the same people and get the same result. it's not science, it's an art, if it's anything at all.

time will be my only proving factor on what i'm trying to explain. reflection will be the only some will see what really was.

in explanation, it may seem i'm knocking somethings, but i'm just stating facts really. was unique and i'm not sure it can be recreated, that's all i'm saying.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#55 Post by Hokahey » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:32 pm

sonny wrote: others want to claim they can just take what i did, duplicate it with some of the same people and get the same result. it's not science, it's an art, if it's anything at all.
That's an unfair statement. It's a similar blueprint, and certainly picked up where you left off, but I think this board is being run in my own vision.

Regardless, I give you all of the credit in the world for what you did with Xiola and I would never want to come across as ignorant or blind to what you accomplished, willfully or otherwise.

I just really dislike the fact that you have always seemed unwilling to give anyone else credit for anything.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#56 Post by Japhy » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:38 pm

sonny wrote:time will be my only proving factor on what i'm trying to explain. reflection will be the only some will see what really was.

in explanation, it may seem i'm knocking somethings, but i'm just stating facts really. was unique and i'm not sure it can be recreated, that's all i'm saying.
Man, give it up... we all loved xiola, no doubt. Plus, like perkana just said, you brought us the EA interviews... those were MASSIVE and the biggest thing to ever come from a Jane's site. But surely there's no need for you to be on this site at all is there? If you still wanna post, talk Jane's whatever without the hassle of running a site, you could have just thrown that out there a month ago... but you didn't. Now there's this site... it already has a different kind of vibe and it is what it is.

Post away mate if that's what you want to do, but quit the soap-box bollocks. You know we all dug xiola - it's why we needed somewhere else once it went. Just sit back, grab a beer and let this one get on with it.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#57 Post by sonny » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:16 pm

hokahey wrote:
sonny wrote: others want to claim they can just take what i did, duplicate it with some of the same people and get the same result. it's not science, it's an art, if it's anything at all.
That's an unfair statement. It's a similar blueprint, and certainly picked up where you left off, but I think this board is being run in my own vision.

Regardless, I give you all of the credit in the world for what you did with Xiola and I would never want to come across as ignorant or blind to what you accomplished, willfully or otherwise.

I just really dislike the fact that you have always seemed unwilling to give anyone else credit for anything.
you always say i don't give credit. i think it's great you guys put all this together, even though it was obvious someone would. i knew when i killed, someone would. this wasn't a shock to me.

as for the "duplicate" comment, i wasn't referring to you particularly. just read through the statements, you'll see who said what. i can't go down the line and respond to each person's comment. i do have some time tonight, but not an infinite amount.

so maybe yr jumping into a defense of someone else's comments, i'm not sure. i think i was clear in saying "some people". if you didn't say it, then i'm not talking to you.

i don't oppose this place or the people. i'm only saying (over and over again), it's not as easy to do as some think or are saying here. don't assume it will be.

i wish you guys the best here and i hope people support this place, in the face of other sites.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#58 Post by Matov » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:49 pm

hey sonny when xiola went offline i sent you my thoughts on the subject, and thanked you for having hosted such a fun place, home for not only a vast amount of crazyness, but also little pieces of data that stood out as of some cultural relevance (the avery interviews).
but i don't see the point in burning down the house and then coming over just to say how awesome it was and how you don't think we'll be able to pull it off etc.
i know you have great things to offer that would help the community, cause you know so much about the band's history, and you've communicated with them etc. Also you're a smart guy so you have valuable input on whatever subject may come up.
but you've said it yourself numerous times now. whatever this site becomes, its up to whoever runs it, and to an extent, how the people who visit it want to behave. i'd say so far we're all playing quite nicely, and your posts are coming off as kind of bitter and shit stirring in nature. is that what you have to offer here? tell us how good it used to be before you decided to shut it down, how you've heard the truth from the horse's mouth and hoka tells stories he heard from a retired cop who's full of shit and then patronize us by wishing the best? That's not playing nice...
i really hope when the dust really settles, you'll be as important to the community as you were when i joined, and you'll contribute in good spirits.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#59 Post by JOEinPHX » Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:42 pm


Tyler Durden

Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#60 Post by Tyler Durden » Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:46 pm

Six7Six7 wrote:*buuuuuurp*
Don't ever change. :lol:

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#61 Post by Pandemonium » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:46 pm

sonny wrote:as for the "duplicate" comment, i wasn't referring to you particularly. just read through the statements, you'll see who said what. i can't go down the line and respond to each person's comment. i do have some time tonight, but not an infinite amount.
So much for going quietly into the night, huh?

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#62 Post by thoreau » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:00 pm

Wow, out for a week, and I picked the day to come back, eh? :hehe:

Hi, Sonny. :wave:

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#63 Post by CaseyContrarian » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:04 pm

I'm perfectly happy to have a new forum. I loved Xiola to pieces, and appreciate everything Sonny did to keep her alive over the years. Now, as a n00b to that forum (though a wayback lurker), I have to say that the way he shut it down was jarring.

We are here because we love(d) a band. Some were there at the beginning, others caught the fumes of a potent vibe. Xiola gave us an honest forum for our grief, occasional hope and intermittent reward. The fact that Sonny created the space for that to happen is beautiful. But it doesn't mean those values can't be perpetuated elsewhere. We all have our claims to connection to JA; I haven't spelled out mine, but that's OK. I probably never will. But I do find value in talking about their powerful art and subsequent aesthetic tragedy amongst semi-like minds. Where it happens doesn't matter as much as whether it happens. So hats off to Hoka for giving us a new crash pad, and to Deconstruction for bridging the gap between Sonny's flameout and ANR II.

You people are all champions, and I love what each and every one of you brings to the conversation. Which, by the motherfucking way, is non-proprietary, IMO.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#64 Post by popeye » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:04 pm

Actually Sonny, I kinda liked the way you killed the old drama and you just didn't give a fuck

but now you're kinda ruining it

have a brew dude, you deserve it. Let's have some part of Jane's die in a good place

cheers :cheers:

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#65 Post by sinep » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:06 pm

hi sonny.

i've missed you.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#66 Post by blackcoffee » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:06 pm

Sonny doesn't owe this community anything...nor should he be treated with kid gloves...I hope we can find a happy balance...I for one am glad to see him be a part of the discussion....

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#67 Post by JOEinPHX » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:41 am

Tyler Durden wrote:
Six7Six7 wrote:*buuuuuurp*
Don't ever change. :lol:
that was my way of saying "i don't care about anything you people are bickering about" haha

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#68 Post by Eric B. » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:52 am

Hey Sonny,

Isn't it so that the interviews we saw are a second draft and that there is something as a first draft in which Eric more talks about Jane's 1.0.........................Goes without saying we'd be more than interested in seeing some of that. Any change for that sometime????

I wondered something else.....isn't it frustrating for Eric that he's in music for years and that everybody always wants to know about jane's related stuff? Seems disrespectful towards him I think. You seem to have good contact with Eric. Any chance of an update interview concerning his current whereabouts?? What's he up to these days??

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#69 Post by creep » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:19 am

Eric B. wrote:
I wondered something else.....isn't it frustrating for Eric that he's in music for years and that everybody always wants to know about jane's related stuff? Seems disrespectful towards him I think. You seem to have good contact with Eric. Any chance of an update interview concerning his current whereabouts?? What's he up to these days??
he talks about jane's 1.0 a lot himself. i think he's pretty proud of that and is pretty smart enough to know that he will always be most famous for that.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#70 Post by MYXYLPLYX » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:33 am

blackcoffee wrote:Sonny doesn't owe this community anything...nor should he be treated with kid gloves...I hope we can find a happy balance...I for one am glad to see him be a part of the discussion....


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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#71 Post by creep » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:12 am

blackcoffee wrote:Sonny doesn't owe this community anything...nor should he be treated with kid gloves...I hope we can find a happy balance...I for one am glad to see him be a part of the discussion....

i'm not sure why people keep saying that sonny doesn't owe the community anything...who is saying he does? most just think a link would have been a nice thing to do. the link has nothing to do about owing anyone anything. in my opinion it just would have been the right thing to do. i'm pretty sure most agree he has the right to do whatever he wants with his site.

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#72 Post by Artemis » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:25 am

i agree. whatever sonny's reasons for doing what he did is his business. however, i do think posting a link or giving 24hrs notice or something like that would have been a curteous and classy gesture. not necessary, but nice. i bet if sonny was canadian he would have done that. :paints:

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#73 Post by sonny » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Matov wrote:hey sonny when xiola went offline i sent you my thoughts on the subject, and thanked you for having hosted such a fun place, home for not only a vast amount of crazyness, but also little pieces of data that stood out as of some cultural relevance (the avery interviews).
but i don't see the point in burning down the house and then coming over just to say how awesome it was and how you don't think we'll be able to pull it off etc.
i know you have great things to offer that would help the community, cause you know so much about the band's history, and you've communicated with them etc. Also you're a smart guy so you have valuable input on whatever subject may come up.
but you've said it yourself numerous times now. whatever this site becomes, its up to whoever runs it, and to an extent, how the people who visit it want to behave. i'd say so far we're all playing quite nicely, and your posts are coming off as kind of bitter and shit stirring in nature. is that what you have to offer here? tell us how good it used to be before you decided to shut it down, how you've heard the truth from the horse's mouth and hoka tells stories he heard from a retired cop who's full of shit and then patronize us by wishing the best? That's not playing nice...
i really hope when the dust really settles, you'll be as important to the community as you were when i joined, and you'll contribute in good spirits.
you misunderstand. i was only saying it's not gonna be easy. and just because i don't think it will work, doesn't mean it won't. don't take it personally.

i can wish you the best, while also thinking it won't work. i have just enough intelligence for two thoughts at once. ;)

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#74 Post by sonny » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Pandemonium wrote:
sonny wrote:as for the "duplicate" comment, i wasn't referring to you particularly. just read through the statements, you'll see who said what. i can't go down the line and respond to each person's comment. i do have some time tonight, but not an infinite amount.
So much for going quietly into the night, huh?
who said i was going quietly? definitely not at night. i don't have to be in charge to turn you on yr ass, remember that son. ;)

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Re: Sonny just re-uploaded the Eric Avery interview

#75 Post by sonny » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:05 pm

Artemis wrote:i agree. whatever sonny's reasons for doing what he did is his business. however, i do think posting a link or giving 24hrs notice or something like that would have been a curteous and classy gesture. not necessary, but nice. i bet if sonny was canadian he would have done that. :paints:
then later i'd take credit for the success of, because i linked to it. you wouldn't want that, would ya? :bigrin:

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