Tiny House

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Tiny House: What do you think?

This is an awesome idea, I would do this!
This is so stupid, I would never do this!
Whatever, fine for them, I'm not necessarily interested.
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Tiny House

#1 Post by mockbee » Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:54 pm

If you have 20 minutes and are interested, this a great intro to what living in a Tiny House would be like. I think Tiny Houses are really interesting, 90% of it is a dream for me (financial independence, pursuing your interests, not beholden to a job, living simply in something you created, etc) and 10% would get pretty annoying after a while, (ie emptying your shit bucket regularly, breathing down the neck of your partner all day when cooped up on a rainy/cold day)

They are currently illegal in most urban areas in the US but are exploding in popularity due to their affordability and allowing a financially unencumbered and simple lifestyle.

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Re: Tiny House

#2 Post by JOEinPHX » Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:27 pm

I respect their ability to do this, but at the same time... I have lived with girlfriends in places 10 times this size and could not get far enough away from them during a fight. I don't know how this place won't get smashed to shreds if they ever break up.

I'd camp in that for a weekend though.

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Re: Tiny House

#3 Post by creep » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:09 am

i have basically lived in a tiny house for a while when i lived on a boat. alone it was great but i could never imagine two people doing it. there were many couples though living on some really small boats where i lived and they seemed just fine.

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Re: Tiny House

#4 Post by Artemis » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:28 am

I like the concept of tiny homes, but I don't think I could live in one for a long period of time. If I did, it would have to be a little bit bigger.
That couple has done a really good job with designing and maximizing the use of the space. I was put off with the the toilet situation when the guy said the whole place smells like wood chips. It made me think of gerbil cage. :lol:

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Re: Tiny House

#5 Post by mockbee » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:40 am

Artemis wrote:I was put off with the the toilet situation when the guy said the whole place smells like wood chips. It made me think of gerbil cage. :lol:

Yeah, I think the lifestyle is that of a gerbil as well. scamper up the ladder, then down the ladder, sqeeze through a door, bump into each other then just go the other direction, get stuck for a bit...... :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

I have a plan for a "tiny house" but am calling it "small house" because it will be a couple hundred sf larger than this....I think this video one was about 190 sf..and hope to god I can afford to hook up sewer/water/elec. I don't like the toilet situation either. :confused:

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Re: Tiny House

#6 Post by guysmiley » Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:37 am

A lot of the places I live in here in Japan, aren't much bigger, so yeah, I'm game.

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Re: Tiny House

#7 Post by clickie » Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:27 pm

Those tiny houses are awesome. I'd be a little worried about crime security though.

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Re: Tiny House

#8 Post by mockbee » Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:32 pm

clickie wrote:Those tiny houses are awesome. I'd be a little worried about crime security though.

You mean like somebody just hitching it on their truck and driving off?

That would be a real concern, but there are a lot of anti-theft devices out there.

Otherwise how would it be different than a regular home?

You mean if you didn't own the lot it was on?

That is actually the primary problem with them. That and the city saying they are illegal.
Other than that....... all peaches! :lol:

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Re: Tiny House

#9 Post by mockbee » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:05 am

So a couple more people need to vote here. It is currently tied.

Is this a great idea or just....meh?

It doesn't look like it will be a terrible idea, so that is good!


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Re: Tiny House

#10 Post by perkana » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:31 pm

I liked the idea. I would live there with a dog.

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Re: Tiny House

#11 Post by mockbee » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:16 pm

perkana wrote:I liked the idea. I would live there with a dog.

Maybe we should close it now that "awesome" is ahead.... :hehe:

btw - I definitely couldn't do it long term, i've done it before in New York and it does get old opening the fridge from your bed and having to get up from your dinner if your partner wants to go to the bathroom. :lol:

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Re: Tiny House

#12 Post by perkana » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:12 pm

:lol: definitely best for only one person. I liked the idea that it's on wheels. I used to have a dream as a kid of living in a house on wheels. I've always been a homebody.

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Re: Tiny House

#13 Post by Artemis » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:58 pm

This is funny!

https://medium.com/@Hipstercrite/dear-p ... .mp9y67pce


Do you ever wake up wondering, “I’ve made a huge mistake”?

Dear People Who Live in Fancy Tiny Houses…
Do you actually love living in a fancy tiny house*?
You look so freakin’ happy in that Dwell Magazine article or Buzzfeed post, but c’mon, you can’t tell me that you don’t lie awake at night, your face four inches from the ceiling because the only place your bed fits is above the kitchen sink which also acts as your shower, and think, I’ve made a terrible mistake.

Look, I’m not criticizing you. I commend you for making this giant leap. Since we humans seem comfortable with pillaging Mother Earth of all her resources, I believe more people should think like you. But 250 square feet? What the hell happens when your tiny house partner farts Mexican food farts, huh? Where do you escape to? Nowhere. You have nowhere to run. All you can do is walk three feet to the other end of the house and pray.
Or maybe you can run out into the tiny forest surrounding your tiny house.
I f’ing love the idea of downsizing and living a “simple life,” but seriously, where do you put your shit? You still have some clothing and shoes and towels and all that jazz, right? Or do you just wear overalls now? Overalls and Birkenstocks and one towel that you share with your entire family. Where do you wash that towel, hmm? Do you have a tiny river that runs behind your tiny house? I bet you do. I bet your whole Goddamn property is whimsical.
And I know your house isn’t that clean all of the time. In your pictures, it looks like you only own a tiny sofa, several throw blankets & pillow, one cooking pan, one antique book and one framed photo of you laughing in front of your tiny house.

Hey. Do you have privacy in your tiny house?
God damn, I have so many questions.
What if you’re having a shitty day and you just want to be alone? You can’t be alone, right? Because your partner or children are sitting two to ten feet away from you at all times. Don’t you feel like a rat trapped in a cage? Don’t you ever want to turn toward your lover or spawn and shout, “Get out! Get out of my tiny house!”
What about sexy time, huh? There is no f’ing way your kids aren’t hearing that shit. If you’re boinking four feet from your offspring, they might grow up to hate tiny things and end up building a McMansion with ten empty bedrooms just to spite you. Each bedroom will represent their years of lost innocence.
And your poor teenage children. What happens if they need sexy time? They go through puberty. They need the sex.
Some of you tiny house dwellers don’t even have beds! WHERE IS THE BED?!

What about guests? Where do you put your guests? Can friends and family even visit you? Do you have friends and family? ANSWER ME! Are people now afraid of you?
“Honey, want to go visit Petal & Ralph out in their 250-square-foot house this weekend?”
“Are you shitting me? That place smells like a hot box of Mexican food farts.”
Guys, you know when the zombie apocalypse comes you’re going to be the first to go, right? Four zombies could pick up and shake your tiny house like a Smart Car. Your bodies will be flinging out the windows like hornets shaken from a nest. You’re only going to have that one cooking pan and farts to save yourself.
Be honest: You just want to live out your life like a Wes Anderson character, don’t you? You want to be some eccentric full of whimsy who doesn’t need modern tools or resources to live a fulfilling life. Well, good for you and your small abode. I hope you’re happy and that all my questions and concerns are just the ramblings of a jealous woman who wants a tiny house of her own.
All the best,
*This post is half in jest. I actually do commend people who can live this life, but I am curious if it’s all peaches and cream like the swanky design magazines suggest. I do believe that overpopulation of the Earth is a problem, so downsizing seems like a great option. I also think these tiny houses are a great dwelling alternative for homeless individuals.

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Re: Tiny House

#14 Post by mockbee » Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:58 pm

That's pretty good.

This response was hilarious.

Dear Lauren

I love living in a tiny house. Mine has wheels.

I absolutely do wake up and think I’ve made a terrible mistake. If I were even closer to the ceiling I would have so much more storage.

We have the “Run Outside to Fart Rule”. It’s a simple concession, but if you break it, you’re responsible for the next pack-up day which means you have to remember where all the nooks and crannies we hide things are. We do pray…that we have everything we need because we can’t buy anything else. If we do, someone’s designer something has to go.

Simple is not my chosen word, but we’ll use “simple Just last week, I did run out of clean underwear, but going commando for one…okay three…days wasn’t so bad. Believe it or not, my washing machine NEVER gets a break. I call her Rosie, but my shit goes in the toilet. Where do you put yours? I personally have more towels than clothing. You can always wear a towel, but seriously, 5 summer outfits, 5 winter, extra sweaters, 5 pairs of shoes out of storage (lots of storage). Everthing that won’t be worn “this season” gets packed away (under the bed). Anything extra like special occasion wear is packed away. There is no tiny river, but I see the ocean three times each season… again, wheels.

It has to be that clean all the time. Otherwise, there’s nowhere to sit, sleep or shit. My sofas (plural) seat 8 or double as beds. I don’t like throw blankets, but there is one. I am partial to pillows. The sofas are covered in them. By the way, I have every pot and pan you can ever need…They’re all in the dishwasher…all the time…wait…I was supposed to…DAMN IT!! No books…kindle. I keep pictures on my phone like everyone else.

You can have privacy outside.

God damn, you have so many questions.

If you want to be alone, kick everyone out. Did no one teach you anything? I don’t feel like a rat, but I do like cheese…former life maybe? If you shout, you just started a fight. I just tilt my head in that cute, cofused-puppy way and say, “Would you please go do something that’s not here?” It must be a southern thing, but flies with honey, honey.

Sexy time…no rug rats here, so I don’t know how you would. Wait. I have dogs. We let them watch. It’s the most thrilling thing they see. If you were to ask them, it’s better than HBO.

My dogs are gay, and they have no shame. We’ve tried to teach them to wait, but those boys. Maybe it’s my fault for naming them Jacque and Henri (pronounced On ri).

SEXY TIME GOES ON AS SCHEDULED…promptly at 9:15pm and 7:45am. The dogs control the sofa schedule, and they’re so strict.

The bed is over there, next to the ceiling, remember?

Again, the dogs control the sofa schedule so they can sleep there.

I don’t have guests. I don’t like people. They can visit whenever they like. They just have to find me. I’ll be somewhere west next week.

“Honey, want to go visit Alli and West out in their 310-square-foot bus this weekend?”

“Are you shitting me? That place smells like hippies.”

We are fully prepared for a zombie apocalypse. We have machetes and…bus.

No need to be jealous, sweetie. You can have a tiny house. All you have to do is give up half your crap and be willing to let it all go. Modern tools, I’m addicted to power tools. It’s my disease, my burden.

All the best,


P.S. This response is mostly in jest. I wouldn’t trade my life for brick and mortar ever again. It’s not always peaches and cream. I prefer strawberries. We are actually working toward a project to help homeless veterans reconnect with their families to give them a chance at reintegrating in society. If they can’t be reconnected to their families, we will provide counseling services, job placement and temporary housing. Beyond that, we will help them build a tiny home of their own.

Shake the hand of a homeless person today. Odds are, they fought for your freedom!

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Re: Tiny House

#15 Post by mockbee » Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:03 pm

A lot has actually changed since March with the house I am planning. I added an artist studio/office with a sleeping loft to the back and now I have to go through permitting again and get new structural calcs, :neutral: ...oh and it's now 1,080 sf.....not so tiny anymore, more like a mcmansion. :conf: :lol:

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Re: Tiny House

#16 Post by Romeo » Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:05 am

My shoes wouldn't even fit in there. :scared:
I think my nieces walk in closet is bigger than their house

I would get claustrophobic in 2 days

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Re: Tiny House

#17 Post by Artemis » Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:44 pm

mockbee wrote:A lot has actually changed since March with the house I am planning. I added an artist studio/office with a sleeping loft to the back and now I have to go through permitting again and get new structural calcs, :neutral: ...oh and it's now 1,080 sf.....not so tiny anymore, more like a mcmansion. :conf: :lol:
I think your plan to go a little bigger is good idea. Since you have the opportunity to design your own space, you should make it exactly how you want and be as comfortable as possible. 1080 sf is still modest,imo.

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Re: Tiny House

#18 Post by mockbee » Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:07 am

Ahhh, but what is "comfort" Artemis?

Is it having everything you want and need?

Is it just having what you need and some of what you want?

Or, only what you need with the goal of discarding the clutter of want and desire from your life?

Or, some might say, comfort is really having a little less than what you 'need', that way if we really need desire in our lives, the desire can be primal, with a great amount of purpose.

And what is the difference between want and need?

Does Romeo really need 250 sf for her shoes? ................probably. :lol: :wink:

These are the questions I constantly ask myself. I am okay with satisfying my needs, like the things I actually do with my time and space on a daily basis. But I am very uncomfortable with anything extra and see extra space and stuff as a real burden. I really don't buy anything, unless I absolutely have to. Not to say I am all that clean and orderly, I need to purge more often. I hardly have anything and most of that stuff is junk.

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Re: Tiny House

#19 Post by Artemis » Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:24 am

mockbee wrote:Ahhh, but what is "comfort" Artemis?

Is it having everything you want and need?

Is it just having what you need and some of what you want?

Or, only what you need with the goal of discarding the clutter of want and desire from your life?

Or, some might say, comfort is really having a little less than what you 'need', that way if we really need desire in our lives, the desire can be primal, with a great amount of purpose.

And what is the difference between want and need?

Does Romeo really need 250 sf for her shoes? ................probably. :lol: :wink:

These are the questions I constantly ask myself. I am okay with satisfying my needs, like the things I actually do with my time and space on a daily basis. But I am very uncomfortable with anything extra and see extra space and stuff as a real burden. I really don't buy anything, unless I absolutely have to. Not to say I am all that clean and orderly, I need to purge more often. I hardly have anything and most of that stuff is junk.
Each person will define what comfort means to them differently. I'm sure that definition will change many times over the course of one's life too.

For me, comfort is uncluttered space. Having enough room for the things one needs and uses, and a little room for what one wants. Plus, just empty space for the sake of having spare space. Personally, I like really sparse furnishing and no doo-dads all over the place. Probably because I grew up in a house that had too much stuff just to fill the space. I think the stuff is the burden, not the space.

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Re: Tiny House

#20 Post by Romeo » Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:31 am

mockbee wrote:
Does Romeo really need 250 sf for her shoes? ................probably. :lol: :wink:

Yes. Yes I do.

But remember 25 of the 250 is flip flops :rockon:

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Re: Tiny House

#21 Post by Squee » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:43 am

I can go small but not as tiny as this couple.
I enjoy perusing "tiny house" architectural plans at this site http://www.houseplans.com/collection/ti ... E_FOOT&p=1
Which one could you guys live in? Some are really nice! Going from really tiny 98 sq ft. up to 782 sq ft.

My favorite design for functional living space is 557 sq ft . (which does not include the loft square footage) Kitchen space(ie: full stove) is essential as I enjoy cooking. I want the space of a 2nd bedroom because I still have a kidlette at home. This one would give us enough elbow room with the loft for either of us to "get away" during the hormonal teenage years. :lol:
Width : 16' Depth : 38' Height : 17' 6"
http://www.houseplans.com/plan/557-squa ... tage-39331
If I was an empty nester I could really see myself in even smaller sq footage.
How adorable is this if you could live in 300 sq ft!

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Re: Tiny House

#22 Post by mockbee » Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:00 pm

Squee, that's great that you are so interested in downsized living! 550 sf is about exactly the size of the apartment I live in now with my wife. It's actually a perfect size, except for the storage issue with hobbies and projects, but other than that I've never wanted for more space. Well I guess a guest room would be nice, but then you have to have guests. :hehe:

That's a pretty standard size for a one bedroom/studio apartment, I guess it's just an oddity for a free standing dwelling in post war America, where the motto was, if you can build it bigger, well, build it bigger! Of course there is the financial (dwelling, heating, maintenace, etc), lifestyle (more free time spent doing things you like to do because of reduced burdens) or some people are just more comfortable in smaller spaces. Is there anything else that spurs you to pursue a smaller dwelling?

It's hard for me to really get excited about house designs without knowing the context that the dwelling is located - urban, rural, climate, landscape, site features, etc.

But if we are talking purely mobile, I am always fascinated by the airstream trailer. I would love to live in one of these for a while.




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Re: Tiny House

#23 Post by kv » Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:03 pm

i'd love an airstream

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Re: Tiny House

#24 Post by Pandemonium » Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:04 pm

kv wrote:i'd love an airstream
My parents had one back at the beginning of the 70's. Obviously a lot more primitive then what you get these days and a bit smaller then the one in the photo but pretty much the same thing. We went on a couple week road trip through the mid-west. Near the end of the vacation in some dustbowl campground in Colorado, we got hit by a tremendous lightning storm that night and I vividly remember my parents freaking out the whole night we'd be hit by lightning in that tin can. Dad sold it right after that trip.

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Re: Tiny House

#25 Post by creep » Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:59 am

i lived a couple years in a 200sq ft living space and for one person it was fine. the only thing i missed was a big bathroom and a full size toilet. pumping out the sewage holding tank once a week wasn't very fun too. i was good with the rest of it.

i now live in a 1800 sq ft house and three rooms are empty. way too big. :noclue:

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