Who is missing?

off-topic conversation unrelated to Jane's Addiction
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Re: Who is missing?

#201 Post by nausearockpig » Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:19 pm

Hype wrote:You're right, those are annoying problems. But they don't generally arise because of some desire to be obtuse or cryptic (at least, for the most part), they arise because thinking clearly is difficult. Bertrand Russell once described (and I'm paraphrasing from a very hazy memory, so this is probably slightly off, but the general idea is something like:) philosophy as being this lifelong search for just a glimpse of the truth as it really is, and if a philosopher is lucky, s/he'll see it for a moment and then lose it again. The rest of the time we're stuck just figuring out what's wrong with all the other attempts to try to see the truth.

Wittgenstein famously said: "Philosophy begins when language goes on holiday." He didn't mean that philosophers are merely playing with words, but had a peculiar view of how to solve or dissolve philosophical problems (i.e., they're all problems of language, so if we clarify language, we remove the problems). There are also substantive problems, especially in practical philosophy, such as how to distinguish truly good things from merely preferred things (if we can/could!), and how it might be best to bring about good things for individuals or collectives. These are very difficult questions that lie at the heart of ethics and politics, and the answers aren't obvious. That's why ideology is dangerous. It purports to have a solution to problems philosophers know aren't solved, because even the correct questions to be asked aren't clear.

Basically: philosophy is difficult. It's not pseudo-scientific mysticism ala Deepak Chopra, and it's not exactly the same thing as science, though there is some overlap (and historically what we now call 'science' was a branch of 'natural philosophy', which makes it sound like that's all that should be left, if we're naturalists, but ... well, that story is complicated...)
I propose http://aintnoright.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2898

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Angry Canine
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Re: Who is missing?

#202 Post by Angry Canine » Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:52 am

I just noticed this resurrected thread and It was nice to see my absence was noted early on.

I just looked in for a few weeks to see if Sonny revived Xiola, and being fed up with what the band was becoming didn't look for something else. Which was stupid, because I missed the un Jane's related conversation. I'd known a lot of people 10 years online, and met many in person.

I ran into Tikkuria, and Erik online elsewhere in the meantime, and if they were aware of this site they didn't mention it.

Something drew me into looking for you guys what turned out to be just weeks before I found my Dad dead, and between here and a car forum I had been on as long, without the gap, it helped a lot. Now my death is imminent, as I have been dying of Cirrhosis for 2 years plus, and it is getting ugly. I've spent 14 days of October in the Hospital, and had 17 litres of liver overflow fluid drained in 3 weeks and am in need of draining again. I have applied to move into assisted living handicapped/elderly apartments. This is the first time in a month I've been up to even getting on here. The ol' Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck now when he even gets out of my face. I'm circling the drain.

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Re: Who is missing?

#203 Post by nausearockpig » Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:28 am

Angry Canine wrote:I just noticed this resurrected thread and It was nice to see my absence was noted early on.

I just looked in for a few weeks to see if Sonny revived Xiola, and being fed up with what the band was becoming didn't look for something else. Which was stupid, because I missed the un Jane's related conversation. I'd known a lot of people 10 years online, and met many in person.

I ran into Tikkuria, and Erik online elsewhere in the meantime, and if they were aware of this site they didn't mention it.

Something drew me into looking for you guys what turned out to be just weeks before I found my Dad dead, and between here and a car forum I had been on as long, without the gap, it helped a lot. Now my death is imminent, as I have been dying of Cirrhosis for 2 years plus, and it is getting ugly. I've spent 14 days of October in the Hospital, and had 17 litres of liver overflow fluid drained in 3 weeks and am in need of draining again. I have applied to move into assisted living handicapped/elderly apartments. This is the first time in a month I've been up to even getting on here. The ol' Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck now when he even gets out of my face. I'm circling the drain.
Fuuuuckkkk man, no words. :wavesad: :pat: :gh:

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Re: Who is missing?

#204 Post by Angry Canine » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:08 am

nausearockpig wrote:
Angry Canine wrote:I just noticed this resurrected thread and It was nice to see my absence was noted early on.

I just looked in for a few weeks to see if Sonny revived Xiola, and being fed up with what the band was becoming didn't look for something else. Which was stupid, because I missed the un Jane's related conversation. I'd known a lot of people 10 years online, and met many in person.

I ran into Tikkuria, and Erik online elsewhere in the meantime, and if they were aware of this site they didn't mention it.

Something drew me into looking for you guys what turned out to be just weeks before I found my Dad dead, and between here and a car forum I had been on as long, without the gap, it helped a lot. Now my death is imminent, as I have been dying of Cirrhosis for 2 years plus, and it is getting ugly. I've spent 14 days of October in the Hospital, and had 17 litres of liver overflow fluid drained in 3 weeks and am in need of draining again. I have applied to move into assisted living handicapped/elderly apartments. This is the first time in a month I've been up to even getting on here. The ol' Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck now when he even gets out of my face. I'm circling the drain.
Fuuuuckkkk man, no words. :wavesad: :pat: :gh:
Yeah. It's pretty hard to talk about. I'm down to a week apart from draining fluid, and increasing amounts as well. Will be getting drained tomorrow, last week (on what was almost certainly my last birthday) was 6.3 litres. 12 days before that was 5.7. That 6.3 litres only got me about 30 hours to get a reasonable meal or 2 down, then it's just a few bites a day, there's just not room for anything to go through intestines. I'm also limited to 1.2litres of any fluids per 24/hr.

I feel like I'm just whining to even talk about what's going on, and most of the people in my life are still acting in denial, like I'm going to get better...but it's terminal and going downhill fast now. That's reality. For the last month and a day or so from getting drained I'm in misery, the rest of my time is in full on agony. I'm ready for it t o be over, but it's scary as Hell to think about. :banghead: :banghead: :yikes: :yikes:

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Re: Who is missing?

#205 Post by mockbee » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:27 am

Angry Canine wrote:
nausearockpig wrote:
Angry Canine wrote:I just noticed this resurrected thread and It was nice to see my absence was noted early on.

I just looked in for a few weeks to see if Sonny revived Xiola, and being fed up with what the band was becoming didn't look for something else. Which was stupid, because I missed the un Jane's related conversation. I'd known a lot of people 10 years online, and met many in person.

I ran into Tikkuria, and Erik online elsewhere in the meantime, and if they were aware of this site they didn't mention it.

Something drew me into looking for you guys what turned out to be just weeks before I found my Dad dead, and between here and a car forum I had been on as long, without the gap, it helped a lot. Now my death is imminent, as I have been dying of Cirrhosis for 2 years plus, and it is getting ugly. I've spent 14 days of October in the Hospital, and had 17 litres of liver overflow fluid drained in 3 weeks and am in need of draining again. I have applied to move into assisted living handicapped/elderly apartments. This is the first time in a month I've been up to even getting on here. The ol' Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck now when he even gets out of my face. I'm circling the drain.
Fuuuuckkkk man, no words. :wavesad: :pat: :gh:
Yeah. It's pretty hard to talk about. I'm down to a week apart from draining fluid, and increasing amounts as well. Will be getting drained tomorrow, last week (on what was almost certainly my last birthday) was 6.3 litres. 12 days before that was 5.7. That 6.3 litres only got me about 30 hours to get a reasonable meal or 2 down, then it's just a few bites a day, there's just not room for anything to go through intestines. I'm also limited to 1.2litres of any fluids per 24/hr.

I feel like I'm just whining to even talk about what's going on, and most of the people in my life are still acting in denial, like I'm going to get better...but it's terminal and going downhill fast now. That's reality. For the last month and a day or so from getting drained I'm in misery, the rest of my time is in full on agony. I'm ready for it t o be over, but it's scary as Hell to think about. :banghead: :banghead: :yikes: :yikes:
Has to be scary. Sorry to hear.

We are all a breath away from death. Some more aware than others. I'd like to think there really is no end, just new beginnings, I mean there is no indication that's not the case.... :noclue:

Wishing you peace. :wave:

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Re: Who is missing?

#206 Post by Romeo » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:25 pm

Angry Canine wrote:I just noticed this resurrected thread and It was nice to see my absence was noted early on.

I just looked in for a few weeks to see if Sonny revived Xiola, and being fed up with what the band was becoming didn't look for something else. Which was stupid, because I missed the un Jane's related conversation. I'd known a lot of people 10 years online, and met many in person.

I ran into Tikkuria, and Erik online elsewhere in the meantime, and if they were aware of this site they didn't mention it.

Something drew me into looking for you guys what turned out to be just weeks before I found my Dad dead, and between here and a car forum I had been on as long, without the gap, it helped a lot. Now my death is imminent, as I have been dying of Cirrhosis for 2 years plus, and it is getting ugly. I've spent 14 days of October in the Hospital, and had 17 litres of liver overflow fluid drained in 3 weeks and am in need of draining again. I have applied to move into assisted living handicapped/elderly apartments. This is the first time in a month I've been up to even getting on here. The ol' Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck now when he even gets out of my face. I'm circling the drain.
So sorry to hear that :pat:

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Re: Who is missing?

#207 Post by Squee » Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:49 pm

Angry Canine wrote:
Yeah. It's pretty hard to talk about. I'm down to a week apart from draining fluid, and increasing amounts as well. Will be getting drained tomorrow, last week (on what was almost certainly my last birthday) was 6.3 litres. 12 days before that was 5.7. That 6.3 litres only got me about 30 hours to get a reasonable meal or 2 down, then it's just a few bites a day, there's just not room for anything to go through intestines. I'm also limited to 1.2litres of any fluids per 24/hr.

I feel like I'm just whining to even talk about what's going on, and most of the people in my life are still acting in denial, like I'm going to get better...but it's terminal and going downhill fast now. That's reality. For the last month and a day or so from getting drained I'm in misery, the rest of my time is in full on agony. I'm ready for it t o be over, but it's scary as Hell to think about. :banghead: :banghead: :yikes: :yikes:
:gh: we don't know each other but I am so very sorry to hear this. You are not whining- you have every right to do / say what you need to do/ say.
I hope your Dr's can keep you comfortable going forward.
I can tell you some people will stay in denial & won't know what to say for fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. I was there.
I recently had to deal with losing a loved one in my family to terminal illness- It was difficult and devastating for everyone. I wanted to be in denial, but knew I had to confront it so there would be no regrets. I encourage you to reach out and be blunt with anyone close with how you feel, talk about what you want to say/hear. ASK for what you need.
I am so grateful I came out of denial and had the most wonderful conversations with my loved one. We left nothing unsaid. We reminisced about childhood memories together, antics (we were close in age and rebels) :hehe: , family secrets, he gave me pieces to stories that he remembered that I did not or was too young to remember. Best of all we were able to express out heartfelt love for one another and I was able to tell him just what an impact he made on my life. He gave me a great gift of telling me "when the moon is full I will be there- just send your love there" And I do every month.

Peace to you as you go through this journey. :heart:

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