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would you even care?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:50 pm
by kv
would you even care if this was a "jane's addiction" site vs just a board that talks about whatever? (jane's included)

curious...i don't have anything to do with the board but i would imagine they are trying to carry the torch so to speak ( may be wrong)

Re: would you even care?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:02 pm
by Jasper
It's the glue that holds us together. Jane's always brought together different types of music fans - punk, metal, goth, hippie, whatever - so being related to them gives an interesting mix.

Also, if we lost people now and then, we wouldn't be getting any new members if we didn't have some focus. Besides, there's already a Jane's library (, but there is no other Jane's pub. We are needed.

I remember when nothing was happening after the Strays era fell apart. The Jane's section just sat for weeks with no posts. Everything was going on in the other sections. Sonny asked if anybody cared if we got rid of it, and the answers ranged from "not really" to "eh, we may as well keep it around, it's not doing any harm." So, there's something to that, but then things picked back up and the Jane's section was busy, with occasional lulls, right up until sonny pulled the plug. In fact, it was really busy when sonny pulled the plug - he did it when I was mid-post.

Re: would you even care?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:56 pm
by Juana
Yeah I mean Jane's brought us all together on these boards but really that isn't the majority of what we all talk about anymore

Re: would you even care?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:45 pm
by creep
without jane's this place would bring in zero new people. once it starts showing up on google searches new people will come. it's needed.

Re: would you even care?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:53 pm
by Larry B.
Without a Jane's section, I doubt this place would have a future, even if nobody uses it. It's like an anchor, something that reminds you of what brought you here in the first place, and that it's not like you're just wasting your time talking about smilies. You're in "the Jane's board", not "the board". Jane's is the only thing we have in common. Well, Jane's and the love for my testicles.

Re: would you even care?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:36 am
by Bandit72
I didn't realise your testicles had dropped already?? :wink: