2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#241 Post by Xizen47 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:02 am

mockbee wrote:
Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:58 am
The protesters running through our neighborhoods, calling everyone racists and hypocrites are right, in many senses.
I completely disagree with this. Please explain how "everyone is racist"?

This is where the far left loses me and most of America. This Robin DeAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi pushed narrative that "if you're white, you're racist" is a huge step backwards regarding race relations in America today.

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#242 Post by mockbee » Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:56 pm

Xizen47 wrote:
Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:02 am
mockbee wrote:
Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:58 am
The protesters running through our neighborhoods, calling everyone racists and hypocrites are right, in many senses.
I completely disagree with this. Please explain how "everyone is racist"?

This is where the far left loses me and most of America. This Robin DeAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi pushed narrative that "if you're white, you're racist" is a huge step backwards regarding race relations in America today.

Well, this could lead down many specious and/or misguided tangents, so I'll/let's just try to narrow down what I'm actually insinuating.

First of all, I'll just make as clear statements as I can about where I stand:

1. What those white protesters are doing, marching down residential streets calling people out at their homes is disgusting and abhorrent. There is no room for their righteousness in a nation that prides liberty above fascism.

2. There are truly racist/bigoted people in this country (and in every country, all over the world) who are despicable and politically dangerous, meaning their primary objective in voting and socialization is to discriminate between races, genders etc. They should be publically denounced when their voices are elevated and their true intentions are displayed. I would put the figure between 10-15% of the population (of all political stripes, both sides for sure) who would actually be guilty of displaying such consequential qualities. I don't have research to back that up, just based on my general experience in life. I don't count what people are thinking. Nobody knows what people are actually thinking.

3. Black/Brown etc. people can be racist, meaning displaying preferential/discriminatory treatment because of one's race. Minorities are far and away the greater victims of consequential racism in our society. There is no question about that. I know there is academic debate about what qualifies as racism/racist and I am not addressing that, I'm not an academic.

4. Calling all/most all Trump voters racist is specious. Meaning they are racist because they vote for a plausibly racist man is not right. That invalidates a host of other reasons why they may vote for him. And to say those reasons, economic/security/religious/whatever are not valid isn't in the vein of democracy. Surely you could say the same about all Biden voters. Biden is FAR from being a saint in racial equality matters. But this reasoning is not why I claim we are all racist in some respect.

Now getting to your actual question. First of all, you bring up Kendi and DiAngelo. I have not read their work, but I am aware of it and have heard them speak. I respect their opinions, but also find some of it patently racist, if we are using the simple definition of the term. Is it consequentially racist? I dont know. Maybe, if it just splinters people and it's primary objective is a self loathing society, as what we seem to have achieved here in Portland. It's too soon to tell.

Here is a passage that addresses her work that I agree with.
As such, a major bugbear for DiAngelo is the white American, often of modest education, who makes statements like I don’t see color or asks questions like How dare you call me “racist”? Her assumption that all people have a racist bias is reasonable—science has demonstrated it. The problem is what DiAngelo thinks must follow as the result of it.

DiAngelo has spent a very long time conducting diversity seminars in which whites, exposed to her catechism, regularly tell her—many while crying, yelling, or storming toward the exit—that she’s insulting them and being reductionist. Yet none of this seems to have led her to look inward. Rather, she sees herself as the bearer of an exalted wisdom that these objectors fail to perceive, blinded by their inner racism. DiAngelo is less a coach than a proselytizer.

https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archi ... ty/614146/
Portland is a good example. We hate ourselves here. We are very very guilty and we don't know what to do about it. I don't hate myself, but I find that I have to often pretend to in order to fit in, get jobs, etc. I think, if we are really not racist and never were personally racist, we wouldn't feel guilty. That is not the case. And I am not excluding myself from the muck of holding biases, just as I am accusing everyone else of. Just I am not going to feel bad about it, and I am going to do my personal best to mitigate those biases. This is the intrinsic racism I am refering to, that is in all of us. Certainly, we are not all hateful, but we do all have racial biases, some more than others depending on our environment and upbringing.

Now, you might go, well I don't live in Portland, and things are fine here, or really improving, so what does that prove? Well, that's wishful thinking I would say. I would say you have blinders on if you think things are mostly fine where you are at and you hold no racial biases. We are all still the benefactors of racial stratification. That part is important. Benefiting from systemic racism (redlining/gentrification/school funding/etc) and not caring to do anything about it i'd say is a form of racism. I think the guilty and non-guilty alike, are in the same boat, just some are more consciously aware then others. Not saying the guilty are the aware ones, a lot of them are total idiots, just like many of the aloof ones....

Categorizing people on the basis of race is inherently racist. Again, is it consequential? Yes...and no. I think we do need a form of affirmative action and that has racial bias with certain consequences, both for the discriminated against, who do not get certain positions even though they are likely qualified, and for the benefactors who do get positions, who are also likely qualified, but are of the right race. I have spoken to Black individuals who would write their SAT scores on papers and exams in the 90s at their Ivy schools because they did not want to be perceived as having had preferential treatment. They had good backstory reasons for doing so. That's all okay in mind, all this racial examination and trying our best to figure it out. But to act like certain large swaths of individuals are immune to this possibly being consequential racism (not the blatant racism), all races included, is specious, in my mind. It would be of benefit to personally acknowledge our intrinsic (scientifically proven) racial biases in moving forward. Should it be mandated that we all go through trainings to accomplish this or be yelled at from the street by righteous dimwits? No.

Well I could go on, and I am not saying that I am right. That's just where I stand at the moment. We are all racist in some respect, thats all I'm saying, some far more consequentially than others....

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#243 Post by Pandemonium » Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:56 pm

Looks like we're in for a renewed round of violent protesting in some major cities this week thanks to the Grand Jury not indicting any of the cops for murder in the Breonna Taylor case. Already, at least two cops at the confrontation in Louisville have been shot tonight despite a curfew and the deployment of the National Guard and I'd expect things to get even worse going into the weekend.

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#244 Post by kv » Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:07 am

Yup feds on the ground gonna be a long week

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#245 Post by mockbee » Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:37 am

Idiotville Update! :lol:
(don't worry, we are "green" here so the statues were recycled and repurposed.......if you were concerned about that. Seriously. :confused: :lolol: )

A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and shattered the entrance to the Oregon Historical Society in Portland’s South Park Blocks late Sunday before moving into other areas of downtown, smashing storefronts and engaging in other acts of destruction. Protest organizers had promoted the event on social media as an “Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage.” President Donald Trump on Monday called for arrests and federal intervention. This video was obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive. Read more about this story at The Oregonian/OregonLive: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/202 ... -rage.html

I was watching the debate between Mayor Wheeler and Iannarone (virtual) and pretty much every question (understandably) was about the protests/riots and, one about the rampant houseless situation. When asked about what to do about the riots and violence, Wheeler was emphatic I MEAN EMPHATIC that he was against violence. That was his answer, in entirety. Over and over he is against it. No plan to mitigate it, didn't get to that part, or doesn't have a plan for that. Also...importantly, that (being against violence, for sure) set him apart from Iannorone, who was a little more wishy washy about being against violence. Many factors at play here she said......

Iannarone is currently in a pretty comfortable lead against Wheeler.

:drink: :dunce: :banghead: :balls: :balls: :aoa: :crazy: :bored: :ax: :jasper:

I'm voting for this guy:

Bruce Broussard - small business owner in outer east portland who thinks these riots and violence is a bunch of bullshit and doesn't address real problems of minority business owners, police accountability and the general population at large. Currently he has 5% of the vote. :noclue:

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#246 Post by mockbee » Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:12 am

Portland protesters outside Commissioner Dan Ryan's house

Protesters gather for vigil in Portland after police kill Black man in Philadelphia
Updated Oct 28, 2020; Posted Oct 27, 2020
https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/10 ... lphia.html

.........Later Tuesday night in Portland, a group of at least 50 demonstrators gathered at King School Park in Northeast Portland. About 10 p.m., they marched along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Northeast Killingsworth Street.

A group of protesters marched to Portland City Commissioner Dan Ryan's house. There, they chanted to defund the Portland Police Bureau. Ryan, who holds a pivotal upcoming vote in deciding funding for the Portland Police Bureau, came out of his house and spoke with the demonstrators.

Another group met at Arbor Lodge Park in North Portland and about 11 p.m. silently marched to Portland City Commissioner Dan Ryan’s house. There, they chanted to defund the Portland Police Bureau.

Ryan, who holds a pivotal upcoming vote in deciding funding for the Portland Police Bureau, told the demonstrators he would sit down and have an “honest discussion” with them if they agreed. Moments later, he stood in front of the group of about 75, which gathered around him in the front of his house, and the discussion ensued.

The council is scheduled to vote on the budget Wednesday. Ryan was asked about his vote, and he said he hasn’t made his mind up yet and wouldn’t do so at 11:30 p.m. with people rolling video in front of his home. Instead, he said, he will decide Wednesday.

Ryan spoke with the group for about an hour before the gathering broke up.

-- The Oregonian/OregonLive

This is how we conduct business now in Portland. :noclue:

The "left" is getting things done.....yay....... :scared: :no:

I can't remotely support this, this is pathetic and a very dangerous precedent we seem to be okay with in this city.

Iannorone, our Mayoral opposition candidate, a full supporter of these tactics, is very much in contention for victory.

Black Lives Matter....? :neutral: :scared:

Maybe they are talking about the clothing they wear.......because certainly they are not concerned about anyone's race. :no:
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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#247 Post by mockbee » Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:18 am

Yeah, doesn't really belong here, but really riot/protest related.

As our politics may be coming to a neighborhood near you..... :thumb:
An October 2020 photo of Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone next to a ballot she tweeted on her official campaign Twitter feed on May 1, 2016. (KOIN)

Iannarone’s tweet of ‘violent despots’ stirs Portland mayor’s race

Poll shows the race is effectively tied one week before Election Day

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Just a week before the 2020 election, Portland’s mayoral race is scrutinizing a tweet from the 2016 primary campaign.

Last Friday, Mayor Ted Wheeler’s campaign released a statement taking challenger Sarah Iannarone to task for “writing in violent despots like Ho Chi Minh and Joseph Stalin on her 2016 ballot.” The tweet, from May 1, 2016, also includes write-in votes for Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, plus others.

Most are figures on the global stage responsible for the deaths of millions of people over multiple decades.

Iannarone campaign manager Gregory McKelvey told KOIN 6 News by email that’s not her ballot. Iannarone, he said, “posted the ballots of many of her supporters who sent them in after voting for her.”

When she posted that tweet at 9:44 p.m. that night, she added: “Quite possibly my favorite “I voted this way” photo to date (tho I 😍 them all) #pdxmayor #forcetherunoff”


Wheeler campaign manager Danny O’Halloran said, essentially, it really doesn’t matter if that’s her ballot.

“No one who saw that tweet would have any way of thinking that (it wasn’t her ballot),” O’Halloran told KOIN 6 News. “But more importantly it doesn’t really matter. On that ballot is a vote for Sarah Iannarone and everyone else written in was a Communist dictator. And her choosing to post that is just as inflammatory and mocks our democratic institutions in just the same way.”

The tweet, he said, “fits a pattern of constant inciteful rhetoric by Sarah Iannarone and her campaign. She has repeatedly said she is affiliated with Antifa, she has chosen to wear items of clothing with Mao Zedong’s face on it, she posted this tweet of a ballot with Communist dictators names – seeming to praise it – and she has been asked in interviews to condemn violent protest and has refused to, going as far as to say in an interview that peaceful protest might not be going far enough.”

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#248 Post by Pandemonium » Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:10 pm

Many major cities' businesses are boarding up in anticipation of violence and looting tomorrow night, especially if there's no clear winner for days or worse, if Trump wins. Fucking people.....

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#249 Post by chaos » Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:40 pm

The FBI and DHS has stated that right-wing extremist groups (Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys) are the groups where most of the chatter about violence is coming from.

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#250 Post by mockbee » Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:56 pm

No doubt there is a lot of concern.

I really have a hard time seeing any additional violence, beyond what has already occurred, happening. Regardless of who wins really. Just more of the crappy same, possibly.

I don't see a revolution brewing, or even enough violent foment, due specifically to the election, for a full fledged riot. Millions of terribly distraught people unfortunately, no matter who wins, but not the kind of despair that leads to violence.

We got other problems for sure though....

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#251 Post by mockbee » Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:09 pm

At least, so far, those problems don't seem to include our best version of fair elections. Overall faith in the process is the most important thing, by far, going forward.

No doubt there will be complaints, but, hopefully, nothing that leads to a constitutional crisis.

I know the media/Trump is pushing for fraud, but its looking good so far.

One Election Surprise: Fewer Early Ballots Being Rejected Than Expected
Many election experts feared a tide of rejected mail ballots. So far, the rate of rejections appears to be lower than in years past.

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/us/e ... e=Homepage

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#252 Post by tvrec » Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:35 pm

mockbee wrote:
Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:09 pm

I know the media/Trump is pushing for fraud, but its looking good so far.

One Election Surprise: Fewer Early Ballots Being Rejected Than Expected
Many election experts feared a tide of rejected mail ballots. So far, the rate of rejections appears to be lower than in years past.

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/us/e ... e=Homepage
Good news so far, indeed.

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#253 Post by chaos » Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:59 pm

Philadelphia is making me smile :bigrin: :

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#254 Post by mockbee » Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:22 pm

Small protest targets Portland commissioner’s house, hours after failed vote to cut police funding

By The Oregonian/OregonLive
A small group of protesters for police reform amassed in the pouring rain late Thursday in North Portland, marched to Commissioner Dan Ryan’s house and damaged the property in the minutes before police chased the group away.

The demonstration followed a City Council vote against a proposal that would have cut millions of dollars from the Portland police budget. For months, demonstrators have demanded steep cuts to end the disproportionate policing of Black Portlanders.

Ryan, who joined the council in September, was viewed as a crucial third vote for the $18 million in proposed cuts. He voted no.

The commissioner’s house was dark when protesters arrived around 9 p.m. Some people lit flares near his house and shattered some glass on the property. Other people threw objects at the house and smashed a large flower pot.

Dozens of state troopers and sheriff’s deputies soon arrived, declared the gathering unlawful and ordered people to leave. Officers pressed people north of Ryan’s house, and the crowd scattered into smaller groups. Police and a small group protesters faced off in a residential intersection for several minutes.

Ryan could not be reached late Thursday. But Mayor Ted Wheeler denounced the damage.

Our city Attorney General continues to refuse to prosecute these individuals, because they are not enacting violence on individuals, only property which is okay.

Frankly I'm surprised there is still terrorism and violent destruction coming from these people. They have been told repeatedly to knock it off by politicians...... :eyes: :lol:

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#255 Post by chaos » Fri Nov 06, 2020 7:34 pm

:lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#256 Post by Xizen47 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:30 pm

Yeah, the irony of Rage Against the Machine fans licking the boots of the establishment to spite Trump's pretty fkn funny too.

we Raging With the Machine now?

wasn't that band protesting outside the DNC like 25 years ago :hs:

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#257 Post by chaos » Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:56 pm

^I get it. It is pretty funny though. It's a live caricature of a stereotypical Trump supporter. The woman is dancing with a Blue Lives Matter flag as a cape to the song Killing in the Name. :lol:

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#258 Post by mockbee » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:07 pm

I wonder if "rachel" gets it....? :hs:



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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#259 Post by kv » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:21 pm

If that's parody it got me... :balls:

Hey where is your hat Tinny?

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#260 Post by mockbee » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:22 pm

kv wrote:
Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:21 pm
If that's parody it got me... :balls:

Hey where is your hat Tinny?
Read the predictions post.

http://aintnoright.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 7&start=40

It's coming.
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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#261 Post by kv » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:24 pm

I'm fucking with you, I couldnt care less

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#262 Post by mockbee » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:25 pm



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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#263 Post by chaos » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:37 pm

kv wrote:
Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:21 pm
If that's parody it got me... :balls:

It's not a parody.

I guess I should have said it's like a live caricature.

Never mind. I'm ruining the joke by having to explain myself.

(I'm so misunderstood. :sulk: :lol: )

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#264 Post by kv » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:46 pm

:lolol: no it's me I was just explaining the irony of the video in a dif thread...then saw this and thought I was duped lol

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Re: 2020 US Racial/Political Protests and Riots

#265 Post by chaos » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:55 pm

Who's on first? :lol:

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