Social Media Hiatuses

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Social Media Hiatuses

#1 Post by guysmiley » Fri May 22, 2015 12:29 pm

This shit makes me crazy, I seem to try and take a week or two off every few months. I just get a weird feeling about it. Like I'm happy people I know are well, but some of the posts people put up are fucking ridiculous with no substance. Like morons. I love the few people who post interesting stuff. Maybe I should just start muting people. I just feel like I'll miss something I'll care about. I still like this place. I kind of feel like I should just check facebook or twatter once a week. It bums me out.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#2 Post by kv » Fri May 22, 2015 1:18 pm

facebook is the devil.....i don't use it at all....use twiitter a little and this place...thats it ...oh and soundcloud if that counts and i guess youtube? everyone who ever bittches about social media seem to be bitching about facebook

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#3 Post by mockbee » Fri May 22, 2015 2:01 pm


Yet, I would have to say I have kept up with and actually done some trips to visit college friends, helped build their house etc, because of Facebook. So, I check in, but 95% of it is a total waste. People are only interested in talking to themselves.

I don't know the purpose of twitter, maybe I am just ignorant. I will stay that way.

You only really need to check in here like once a week (being generous :hehe: ) to keep up with it.

Yeah, social media for the most part a waste, but for when it is useful, and it certainly is in some instances, why would that take more than like an hour out of your week......? :noclue:

still right here.

addiction. :scared:

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#4 Post by kv » Fri May 22, 2015 2:30 pm

mockbee wrote:
I don't know the purpose of twitter, maybe I am just ignorant. I will stay that way.
it's like the worlds instant news source...un edited un filtered...makes cnn and the like feel like reading yesterdays newspaper

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#5 Post by mockbee » Fri May 22, 2015 2:38 pm

kv wrote:
mockbee wrote:
I don't know the purpose of twitter, maybe I am just ignorant. I will stay that way.
it's like the worlds instant news source...un edited un filtered...makes cnn and the like feel like reading yesterdays newspaper
Well, I guess I get that much. And I get why it would be very useful during social unrest and the like.

I just don't understand why knowing something that doesn't directly pertain to my day, I need to know instantly....? :noclue:

Unless there is a disastrous situation (weather, unrest, fire etc.) seems it would just be a barrage of junk. :hs:

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#6 Post by Artemis » Fri May 22, 2015 3:13 pm

I still like Facebook, though it can get annoying and boring at times.

I 'unfollow' the people who post too much crap or annoy me.

Regarding Twitter, I have only ever uttered a single tweet a few years back, never got into it. I haven't tried Instagram or Snapchat or whatever the latest thing is.

I still post here(obviously) and a Kate Bush forum. I do more reading then actually posting anything, too many sensitive Suzies for my liking. :lol:

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#7 Post by creep » Fri May 22, 2015 3:48 pm

i don't "tweet" but i love twitter. it's what you make of it. i am updated daily on my favorite sports teams and fighters, a few comedians, local and national news and some other random stuff.

social media is a great time waster and sometimes you need that. it has replaced a lot of my time wasting tv watching.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#8 Post by perkana » Fri May 22, 2015 8:23 pm

I use it just to stay in touch with friends and family. Have you seen that Portlandia episode in which Fred Armisen keeps postponing giving one of his friends a gift for their kid's birth? I feel like that sometimes. Watching my friends' kids growing up thru pictures. I really need to see them more often, not once or twice a year. And it's easier to plan stuff. That's the way how I communicate with my friends. Twitter is fine, I'm just too tired to check it. That's why I like coming here, it's like reading a digest. I don't have to check it daily either.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#9 Post by JOEinPHX » Fri May 22, 2015 8:53 pm

I blocked about 95% of the people I know on Facebook.

With half of them, it just got annoying watching people moving into their mid 30s and still getting drunk in the same dive bars we used to hang out in, in our early 20s. Then Monday they are all begging everyone to come to whatever shit bar or restaurant they work in because they need money to pay their phone bill. I'd rather not think "how pathetic" every single day, so I'd just rather not see it.

The next group of people I blocked were all the people having kids. First, they start out as cool individuals. Then they get married and every post is about how much they love their spouse. Cool. No big deal. I am happy when people I care about are happy. Then the happy couple gets a dog, and the profile pictures are of the dog, and every photo posted is a picture of the dog (or cat) sleeping, laying on the floor, laying in the corner, laying on the bed, laying in their lap. Like seriously, just the most boring fucking bullshit ever. You'd think they would realize they could also use their phone to shoot videos of the pet doing something interesting, but.... NOPE. Single shot pics of a boring animal napping. A lot of times, I will hide them from my feed at this point. If they aren't TOO annoying, they might stay for a little while. But then.... Then they have a kid. Then every single instance they used to take pics of the dog, now it's suddenly the baby laying there doing absolutely fucking nothing. OR the baby AND the dog laying there doing absolutely fucking nothing. *HIDE*

The last group is the military obsessives. Either they are in the military, were in the military, or their spouse is in the military. So every goddamn picture is some whiney bullshit like "If you don't love America, they try telling this guy about it *picture of marine*". Essentially just a whole lot of ignorant "America: love it or leave it" and "Every single person in the country is worthless except the soldiers in the middle east killing brown children, because Constitution and Merica and Bald Eagles and Jesus" shite.

I have about 6 people left out of 300. They all say either funny, or intelligent things that I enjoy discussing. Everyone else: LAME.

I also deleted a good portion of my family from FB entirely. I just got tired of posting stuff like "Wow, I really enjoyed [insert movie here], it was fucking awesome", only to be told "Watch your language. Remove this from your feed" by an elderly aunt or having some other elderly family member say something completely off topic and tell me to call or email or whatever. Fuck all of them.

I spend the majority of time on Twitter. I have spent an enormous amount of time following the perfect combination of non-annoying celebs who don't retweet every single compliment, pornstars that show just enough nudity without you having to feel like a perv for looking at your feed in public, comedians who say funny things without rehashing old jokes from their act, and complete strangers that I would totally hang out with if they lived in the same state as me. Twitter rules. After being on there for 7 years, it's turned into my favorite thing to waste time on all day long. Plus occasionally I just think of a funny one liner and no one is around to tell, so I just use it as an outlet for the stupid shit that goes through my head randomly on a daily basis.

But I have never taken any hiatuses from any of them. If you get annoyed by FB, it's because your friends and family suck. Hide them. If you're annoyed by Twitter, it's because you're not putting in enough time to follow the right people or to figure out if you need to mute or turn off retweets or simply unfollow.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#10 Post by Pandemonium » Fri May 22, 2015 9:10 pm

The extent of my Facebook action:

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#11 Post by intertwoven » Fri May 22, 2015 9:31 pm

I like FB to keep up with friends and family I don't see much. I do keep "limited profile" so I can sometimes post blocking out possibly uptight family member who might have a problem with occasional profanity. I play Scrabble vs. my mom (or used to, until a tornado destroyed their home a couple weeks ago).

I'm on Twitter but mostly for baseball card related stuff.

I've got other accounts for "my music" on FB and Twitter. I miss the days of MySpace, when I could actually get a few people to listen to my songs. Now, just the other week, I post a very pro-abortion song called "Mandatory Abortions" and I get zero response.. nothing! I was kinda hoping to offend somebody. But no, nothing. Nobody listening. Damn!

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#12 Post by guysmiley » Sat May 23, 2015 4:39 am

intertwoven wrote:I like FB to keep up with friends and family I don't see much. I do keep "limited profile" so I can sometimes post blocking out possibly uptight family member who might have a problem with occasional profanity. I play Scrabble vs. my mom (or used to, until a tornado destroyed their home a couple weeks ago).

I'm on Twitter but mostly for baseball card related stuff.

I've got other accounts for "my music" on FB and Twitter. I miss the days of MySpace, when I could actually get a few people to listen to my songs. Now, just the other week, I post a very pro-abortion song called "Mandatory Abortions" and I get zero response.. nothing! I was kinda hoping to offend somebody. But no, nothing. Nobody listening. Damn!
Same here man, no one listens to anything I post.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#13 Post by guysmiley » Sat May 23, 2015 4:40 am

perkana wrote:I use it just to stay in touch with friends and family. Have you seen that Portlandia episode in which Fred Armisen keeps postponing giving one of his friends a gift for their kid's birth? I feel like that sometimes. Watching my friends' kids growing up thru pictures. I really need to see them more often, not once or twice a year. And it's easier to plan stuff. That's the way how I communicate with my friends. Twitter is fine, I'm just too tired to check it. That's why I like coming here, it's like reading a digest. I don't have to check it daily either.
Yeah, I went on a Portlandia binge. I used to hate the idea of the show when I lived in Portland, but after watching it, I like it.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#14 Post by guysmiley » Sat May 23, 2015 4:45 am

Six7Six7 wrote:I blocked about 95% of the people I know on Facebook.

With half of them, it just got annoying watching people moving into their mid 30s and still getting drunk in the same dive bars we used to hang out in, in our early 20s. Then Monday they are all begging everyone to come to whatever shit bar or restaurant they work in because they need money to pay their phone bill. I'd rather not think "how pathetic" every single day, so I'd just rather not see it.

The next group of people I blocked were all the people having kids. First, they start out as cool individuals. Then they get married and every post is about how much they love their spouse. Cool. No big deal. I am happy when people I care about are happy. Then the happy couple gets a dog, and the profile pictures are of the dog, and every photo posted is a picture of the dog (or cat) sleeping, laying on the floor, laying in the corner, laying on the bed, laying in their lap. Like seriously, just the most boring fucking bullshit ever. You'd think they would realize they could also use their phone to shoot videos of the pet doing something interesting, but.... NOPE. Single shot pics of a boring animal napping. A lot of times, I will hide them from my feed at this point. If they aren't TOO annoying, they might stay for a little while. But then.... Then they have a kid. Then every single instance they used to take pics of the dog, now it's suddenly the baby laying there doing absolutely fucking nothing. OR the baby AND the dog laying there doing absolutely fucking nothing. *HIDE*

The last group is the military obsessives. Either they are in the military, were in the military, or their spouse is in the military. So every goddamn picture is some whiney bullshit like "If you don't love America, they try telling this guy about it *picture of marine*". Essentially just a whole lot of ignorant "America: love it or leave it" and "Every single person in the country is worthless except the soldiers in the middle east killing brown children, because Constitution and Merica and Bald Eagles and Jesus" shite.

I have about 6 people left out of 300. They all say either funny, or intelligent things that I enjoy discussing. Everyone else: LAME.

I also deleted a good portion of my family from FB entirely. I just got tired of posting stuff like "Wow, I really enjoyed [insert movie here], it was fucking awesome", only to be told "Watch your language. Remove this from your feed" by an elderly aunt or having some other elderly family member say something completely off topic and tell me to call or email or whatever. Fuck all of them.

I spend the majority of time on Twitter. I have spent an enormous amount of time following the perfect combination of non-annoying celebs who don't retweet every single compliment, pornstars that show just enough nudity without you having to feel like a perv for looking at your feed in public, comedians who say funny things without rehashing old jokes from their act, and complete strangers that I would totally hang out with if they lived in the same state as me. Twitter rules. After being on there for 7 years, it's turned into my favorite thing to waste time on all day long. Plus occasionally I just think of a funny one liner and no one is around to tell, so I just use it as an outlet for the stupid shit that goes through my head randomly on a daily basis.

But I have never taken any hiatuses from any of them. If you get annoyed by FB, it's because your friends and family suck. Hide them. If you're annoyed by Twitter, it's because you're not putting in enough time to follow the right people or to figure out if you need to mute or turn off retweets or simply unfollow.
:hehe: sums up my feelings too. Well, with twitter I use it for my band, but all the people on it are Japanese and I don't understand half the shit they post. That's my own fault. And yes, most of my friends(more like acquaintances) and family have a lot of suckage.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#15 Post by perkana » Sat May 23, 2015 8:07 am

intertwoven wrote: I've got other accounts for "my music" on FB and Twitter. I miss the days of MySpace, when I could actually get a few people to listen to my songs. Now, just the other week, I post a very pro-abortion song called "Mandatory Abortions" and I get zero response.. nothing! I was kinda hoping to offend somebody. But no, nothing. Nobody listening. Damn!
You posted it on myspace? I know I followed you on there and enjoyed your music very much (I have one of your albums on my ipod). It's been ages since I checked myspace, I don’t even remember my password. I check soundcloud for music tracks nowadays. Hope your mom is fine :wave:
P.S. In my opinion, I think it's so common to miss posts on twitter. I gave up checking my newsfeed a long time ago. Mostly read posts where I'm tagged or when I have some time to browse my newsfeed. Although I like the new while you were gone option. I'm a fan of digests.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#16 Post by intertwoven » Sat May 23, 2015 9:37 am

perkana wrote:
intertwoven wrote: I've got other accounts for "my music" on FB and Twitter. I miss the days of MySpace, when I could actually get a few people to listen to my songs. Now, just the other week, I post a very pro-abortion song called "Mandatory Abortions" and I get zero response.. nothing! I was kinda hoping to offend somebody. But no, nothing. Nobody listening. Damn!
You posted it on myspace? I know I followed you on there and enjoyed your music very much (I have one of your albums on my ipod). It's been ages since I checked myspace, I don’t even remember my password. I check soundcloud for music tracks nowadays. Hope your mom is fine :wave:
P.S. In my opinion, I think it's so common to miss posts on twitter. I gave up checking my newsfeed a long time ago. Mostly read posts where I'm tagged or when I have some time to browse my newsfeed. Although I like the new while you were gone option. I'm a fan of digests.
Aw, thanks, Flor! Made my day. :bigrin:
I don't use MySpace anymore (because nobody does), but back in its day, it was great for musicians. Now I share stuff on Twitter and Facebook. FB is the worst because even if you have 100 "likes", FB will only have your post show up in like 10% of those people's feeds. It's because they want you to pay to "boost" the post. Such bullshit. It'd be one thing for big bands like Aerosmith and Taylor Swift who have a shitton of fans and a big promotion budget, but to extort tiny unknown artists trying to get a few listens from their meager fanbase.. it sucks.

And yeah, my folks are doing ok, thanks. They had good insurance, so at least they can buy new stuff. To steer that on-topic, when the shit went down, FB was a great way to keep the friends and family up to date on their situation.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#17 Post by perkana » Sat May 23, 2015 9:56 am

Glad to hear they right. We use fb for letting people know we're alright, too. When shit happens (eartquakes, hurricaines, etc.), phone internet is the only thing that remains active. Phone lines are down for a couple of hours or are saturated.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#18 Post by Hype » Sat May 23, 2015 11:47 am

I find it interesting how many people get annoyed at other people's stupid posts. As far as I can tell this comes from a weird idea about what the experience of using Facebook is supposed to be -- something like "This is *my* Facebook, and your stupid shit keeps coming up. I don't like it." But as others have noted, you can easily "unfollow" a person without "unfriending" them, and still check in on what they're up to when you feel like it. I think people don't realize how customizable the News Feed is, and, just like on message boards, you get pretty clear personality clashes between different kinds of people -- some people seem to think everyone they're exposed to should live up to exactly what they want, or else something is wrong/bad, etc. But lots of people are also perfectly happy to ignore the stupid religious posts, dumb memes, selfies, cryptic cries for help, etc., and still find Facebook valuable for all kinds of reasons. I don't think the latter is "better" than the former. It's just a different attitude... and whatever... but I do think if you don't like what "friends" on Facebook are posting, and it bothers you so much that you find yourself thinking the whole thing is stupid, then you might have very stupid friends, or you might have an attitude problem, or some other issue making you irritable/intolerant. :noclue:

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#19 Post by mockbee » Sun May 24, 2015 7:05 am

Adurentibus Spina wrote:.....As far as I can tell this comes from a weird idea about what the experience of using Facebook is supposed to be -- something like "This is *my* Facebook, and your stupid shit keeps coming up. I don't like it." But as others have noted, you can easily "unfollow" a person without "unfriending" them, ......

Tell me how I can "unfollow" Real Estate For Sale, Happify, Scoot Networks, Groupon, and some guy named CBS News. I don't remember ever "friending" these people, and they keep popping up everywhere!

They're annoying!!!

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#20 Post by mockbee » Sun May 24, 2015 7:12 am

Actually, the "friends" & family that I am "friends" with on Facbook are pretty non-annoying for the most part. The only thing I was ever taken aback by was a video of a woman (wife of an old friend) giving birth, that just started rolling in the feed. I was like, what am I looking at, OH MY GOD! :scared:

Facebook is pretty harmless, just don't like that sometimes you never see stuff from people, that you'd like to know about, and end up seeing 20 times how the someone's dog peed on the couch of someone's couch.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#21 Post by Hype » Sun May 24, 2015 12:59 pm

mockbee wrote:
Adurentibus Spina wrote:.....As far as I can tell this comes from a weird idea about what the experience of using Facebook is supposed to be -- something like "This is *my* Facebook, and your stupid shit keeps coming up. I don't like it." But as others have noted, you can easily "unfollow" a person without "unfriending" them, ......

Tell me how I can "unfollow" Real Estate For Sale, Happify, Scoot Networks, Groupon, and some guy named CBS News. I don't remember ever "friending" these people, and they keep popping up everywhere!

They're annoying!!!
Adblock+ for starters, and uh, yeah, you might have "Liked" either pages of those things, or else you're seeing things from friends.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#22 Post by nausearockpig » Sun May 24, 2015 6:28 pm

I see Pete DiStefano has withdrawn from Facebook and the like..... working from LinkedIn now I believe.

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#23 Post by perkana » Sun May 24, 2015 7:25 pm

He's back!!

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#24 Post by perkana » Sun May 24, 2015 7:28 pm

mockbee wrote:Actually, the "friends" & family that I am "friends" with on Facbook are pretty non-annoying for the most part. The only thing I was ever taken aback by was a video of a woman (wife of an old friend) giving birth, that just started rolling in the feed. I was like, what am I looking at, OH MY GOD! :scared:

Facebook is pretty harmless, just don't like that sometimes you never see stuff from people, that you'd like to know about, and end up seeing 20 times how the someone's dog peed on the couch of someone's couch.
That's why I chose to stop autoplay for vids. You can change that in your settings. P.S. Btw, who would like to share that? Even record it?

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Re: Social Media Hiatuses

#25 Post by nausearockpig » Sun May 24, 2015 7:49 pm

perkana wrote:He's back!!

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