The Leftovers (HBO)

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#26 Post by JOEinPHX » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:47 pm

There is no way in hell we're going to get a reasonable ending in only three seasons. I feel like there are way too many layers of this.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#27 Post by Juana » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:53 am

I binge watched season 2 after I gave up on season 1 after like 4 episodes... season 2 was a lot better but I also agree no way they can tie this all up with one more season.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#28 Post by Artemis » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:08 am

The final season starts tonight.

A Leftovers Refresher: Every Last Thing to Remember for the Final Season ... ok_vulture

The Leftovers: It’s Complicated. It’s also an artistic triumph. Co-created by Lost’s Damon Lindelof and Election’s Tom Perrotta based on the latter’s novel, the show is set in a world where an unexplained event caused the complete disappearance of millions of people all over the globe, transforming society in disturbing ways. It also features a sprawling cast, complex family relationships, and the occasional trip to an alternate dimension, or something. So yeah, there’s a lot going on.

Need a refresher course before the show returns for its final — and fantastic — eight episodes, starting with Sunday night’s season-three premiere? Then do not depart this page: our who’s who and what’s what for one of the most baffling and rewarding shows on television.

The Sudden Departure
On October 14, 2011, 140 million people — fully 2 percent of the world’s population — vanished without a trace. Known as the Sudden Departure, this tremendous upheaval shapes the mildly postapocalyptic world of The Leftovers in every way. It accounts for the post-traumatic stress and crippling grief experienced by nearly every character. It gave rise to a cottage industry of scientists determined to uncover the cause, businesses catering to the needs of the bereaved, and both religious and atheistic cults who promise to make sense of it all for their acolytes. It also led to the creation of two government agencies: the Department of Sudden Departure (DSD), which investigates departure claims and ferrets out fraud (like that of Perfect Strangers star Mark Linn-Baker, who faked his Departure when the rest of the sitcom’s cast vanished without him); and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Cults, whose Waco-like approach to fringe organizations has been the bloody backbeat of the show since season one.

Jarden, Texas
This small Texas town was completely spared by the Sudden Departure, making it a center of scientific study, religious pilgrimage, and grift and exploitation. It’s been officially designated “Miracle National Park” by the government, which strictly monitors the entry and exit of its 9,261 residents and their visitors. Season two ends with its borders overrun by the Guilty Remnant, a sort of death-cult determined to serve as “living reminders” of the Departure to its survivors.

Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux)
Kevin is the handsome, brooding, handsome, mentally ill, handsome, dead and resurrected, and last but not least, handsome patriarch of the fractious Garvey family. Kevin served as the chief of police in the sleepy New York suburb of Mapleton, a job he inherited along with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia from his father, Kevin Sr. (Scott Glenn, whose character is currently holed up in Australia). Kevin’s “is it real, is it supernatural, or is it a hallucination?” visions and misadventures have driven much of the show’s action.

At the moment of the Departure, Kevin was cheating on his wife Laurie in an impulsive one-afternoon stand; his lover disappeared from their motel bed. During season one, the increasingly unstable family man and a local gun nut named Dean graduate from shooting stray dogs to kidnapping Patti Levin (Ann Dowd), the local leader of the Guilty Remnant cult. When she kills herself in front of him, he covers up her death, comes clean months later, and is told not to sweat it by the government, which in The Leftovers’ world has very little problem at all with the murder of cult members. This is cause for concern, since all three members of the family Kevin had before the Sudden Departure have done time in cults themselves: His ex-wife, Laurie, joined the Guilty Remnant and eventually helped recruit their daughter, Jill, while his adopted son, Tommy, took up with the British healer and harem-keeper known as Holy Wayne.

By the start of season two, all three have left their cults, but only Jill remains with Kevin. They’re joined by Lily, the infant daughter of Holy Wayne and one of his many ersatz wives, a young woman named Christine, left on the family doorstep by Tommy. Together with his new girlfriend Nora Durst, whose loss during the Sudden Departure was catastrophic, they move to the town of Jarden (see above). While there, his dissociative sleepwalking episodes lead him to attempt suicide in the same water where three local teens disappear that very night. Guilt-ridden and cracking up, he’s also literally haunted by Patti, who is either a hallucination or an actual ghost. (The Leftovers isn’t big on answering such questions.)

In order to purge himself of Patti, Kevin poisons himself with the help of a local shaman (more on him later) and travels to a purgatorial “other place” — a luxury hotel where, in the guise of an international assassin, he stalks and kills an alternate version of Patti who’s running for president. He then learns that her “real” self in this world is a little girl, whom he pushes down a well before falling in himself to finish the job. Once resurrected in the real world, he winds up getting shot by the father of the disappeared girl (again, more on him later), travels back to the hotel purgatory, and escapes by singing Simon and Garfunkel’s “Homeward Bound” at karaoke. Season two ends with Kevin and his whole big crazy extended family reunited.

Nora Durst (Carrie Coon)
If Kevin’s the broken brain of the show, Nora’s its broken heart. An employee of the government department that investigates Sudden Departure claims, she’s also one of the event’s worst victims: Both her husband (who was cheating on her) and her two children disappeared from their kitchen while her back was turned. This was not her first brush with tragedy, either: Her parents died in a house fire when she was a little girl, leaving her and her brother, Matt Jamison, now a minister, to fend for themselves. Before she met Kevin and adopted Lily, her primary coping mechanism was hiring prostitutes to shoot her in the chest while she wore a bulletproof vest.

Following her brother Matt’s lead, Nora brings her ad hoc family to Jarden in hopes of making a fresh start, but also out of terror of ever suffering through another round of Departures. She’s particularly distraught over a theory that she herself may have served as a “lens” that focused … whatever it was that made her whole family disappear; compared to scientific or supernatural explanations such as this, she prefers the idea that it’s all entirely random and meaningless. Wouldn’t you?

Laurie Garvey (Amy Brenneman)
A single mother before she met Kevin, Laurie married him when her son Tommy was 3 years old; she and Kevin had a child of their own, Jill, later on. But the Departure of her third, unborn child from inside her womb drove her from the family and into the arms of the Guilty Remnant, a cult of chain-smoking, white-clad nihilists who believe the Sudden Departure was the end of the world, and anyone who carries on as if it were otherwise is just fooling themselves. When her involvement with the much-hated cult nearly gets her daughter burned alive, she quits. Joining forces with Tommy, himself a cult refugee, she begins rescuing and deprogramming doubt-stricken GR members by day and running over devout ones with her car by night. Before long, she’s driven Tommy away (after the GR nearly kills him, too) and lost a book deal for attacking a publishing exec after one of her deprogramming “success stories” drives their whole family into oncoming traffic. But her hard-earned experience with delusional beliefs comes in handy when she reunites with her increasingly distraught ex, Kevin, down in Jarden.

Jill Garvey (Margaret Qualley)
Jill starts the show like many other teenage TV characters — sullen, withdrawn, rebellious — but with one obvious difference: Those other teens never experienced the disappearance of their classmates in the middle of a school day due to the Sudden Departure. The turmoil in the lives of her parents drives her to the Guilty Remnant, her mom’s cult, for answers. She leaves the group after escaping the fire that destroys its compound in her hometown, then maintains secret contact with her brother Tommy during his anti-cult operations with their mom, from whom Jill remains estranged. Upon the move to Jarden, she emerges as the kind of person other people like to tell their troubles to, whether it’s her sorta-stepmother Nora or Michael Murphy, the religious kid next door with whom she starts a relationship. Her decision to go to college is perhaps the best indication that for her, now, life goes on.

Reverend Matt Jamison (Christopher Eccleston)
Despite the happy face he almost always displays to the world, Nora’s man-of-the-cloth brother has had one of the most complicated journeys of faith on the show. Matt’s wife Mary was rendered brain-dead in an accident during the Sudden Departure when the driver of an oncoming car vanishes before hitting the brakes. For the years following the event, he digs up dirt on the Departed because he can’t stand the notion that the guy who destroyed his life by vanishing was some sort of hero or saint. After losing his church to the GR, who buy it when his tactics drive it into insolvency, he and Mary move to Jarden, where, sure enough, she was miraculously revived, if only for one night. His insistence that something supernatural occurred brings him into conflict with local skeptics and forces him to take desperate measures to stay in town — at least until Mary, pregnant following her one-night revival, wakes up for good and proves the naysayers wrong.

Meg Abbot (Liv Tyler)
Once a happy-go-lucky resident of Mapleton, Meg lost her mother the day before the Sudden Departure, the magnitude of which completely wiped out her grief in the eyes of the world. Traveling to Jarden for answers prior to the events of season one, she encounters Isaac, a psychic later drummed out of town, who tells her her mother’s unspoken last words for her were just some dumb knock-knock joke. This begins a nihilistic downward spiral that causes her not only to join the Guilty Remnant, but to take it over from within and drive it to ever more extreme, terroristic measures. She’s the ringleader behind the plot to storm Jarden, which ends season two.

John Murphy (Kevin Carroll)
Introduced as a series lead along with the rest of his family at the start of season two, John is a jocular, hail-fellow-well-met type — or at least he seems that way at first. But his role in Jarden as a much-loved firefighter conceals a darker motivation: He and the rest of his engine company are secretly vigilantes who boot mystics and charlatans (to John, they’re one and the same) out of town with extreme prejudice. This isn’t his first brush with vigilantism, either. He’d previously done time for shooting and wounding his pedophile father-in-law, Virgil. When he learns that his neighbor, Kevin, was on the scene when Evie disappeared but said nothing, he shoots him, too. But the pair share a seemingly sincere rapprochement when Kevin, you know, rises from the dead.

Erika Murphy (Regina King)
An accomplished doctor who mends more than her fair share of bullet wounds over the course of season two, Erika also spends the season harboring two secrets. First, she’d decided to leave her husband John until the (for a time, anyway) unexplained disappearance of their daughter Evie forced her to change plans. Second, she witnessed the miraculous resurrection of a dead bird she’d buried in a shoebox in a sort of good-luck folk ritual. The timing of these events led her to blame herself for Evie’s vanishing — putting her at odds with both her mysticism-hating husband and her nihilistic neighbor Nora. Her season-two arc ends with her failed attempt to communicate with Evie once she returns as part of the silent Guilty Remnant cult.

Michael Murphy (Jovan Adepo)
Michael is the Murphys’ teenage son. A devoutly religious kid, he’s a key part of Rev. Matt’s congregation in Jarden, and the boyfriend of his neighbor, Jill Garvey, with whom he has an everything-but-sexual relationship. He also forges connections with some of the town’s fringe figures: These include the hermit who lives atop a pillar at the center of town, as well Virgil, Michael’s seemingly psychic grandfather, who was cast out of the Murphy family fold after being shot by John for molesting an as-yet-unnamed family member. It’s in this role that he witnesses Virgil’s suicide, and Kevin’s poisoning and resurrection.

Evie Murphy (Jasmin Savoy Brown)
Evie is Michael’s twin sister, a star student with a mild case of epilepsy. Her disappearance from a local swimming hole along with two friends at the beginning of season two triggers the suspicion that the Sudden Departure phenomenon has returned to afflict the town of Jarden, Texas, at last. However, the teens actually faked their vanishing in order to join the Guilty Remnant. Thoroughly estranged from her family, Evie played an integral part in the group’s storming of the heavily guarded town in the season-two finale, a role facilitated by her chance meeting with Meg Abbott during her visit to the town years earlier.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#29 Post by chaos » Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:20 pm

I loved the scene at the parking garage in tonight's episode. :lol:

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#30 Post by creep » Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:04 pm

chaos wrote:I loved the scene at the parking garage in tonight's episode. :lol:
That was a weird episode with the Perfect Strangers theme at the beginning and then the guy from the show shows up and Nora gets a Wu Tang tattoo. :noclue:

Off to a great start so far.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#31 Post by blackula » Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:48 pm

Great show, excited for this last run, first two episodes were really good. Not expecting everything to be answered, I loved Lost and am okay with it, but excited to see where the story goes

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#32 Post by creep » Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:24 pm

I was bummed when it looked like it was going to be a Kevin Sr. only episode but it turned out to be my favorite so far. Each episode this season is better than the previous.

I guess the 98% Metacritic score might be justified.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#33 Post by farrellgirl99 » Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:15 pm

i didnt love this episode, but the last 15 minutes or so were devastating and amazing.

max richter's score gets me every time

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#34 Post by creep » Mon May 08, 2017 2:37 pm

Since this season is so good it's really going to make me miss it. Last nights episode was great.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#35 Post by farrellgirl99 » Mon May 08, 2017 6:58 pm

poor nora and kevin. theyre so fucked up.

i hope they find their way back to each other

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#36 Post by farrellgirl99 » Sun May 21, 2017 7:36 pm

all i can is wow. phenomenal episode.

im so sad right now!

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#37 Post by creep » Sun May 21, 2017 7:43 pm

farrellgirl99 wrote:all i can is wow. phenomenal episode.

im so sad right now!
Yeah it was great.

I'm sad that there are only two left.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#38 Post by creep » Sun May 28, 2017 8:06 pm

Where can I get one of those penis recognition door locks?

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#39 Post by farrellgirl99 » Mon May 29, 2017 7:01 pm

creep wrote:Where can I get one of those penis recognition door locks?

i enjoyed the thud sound effect :lol:

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#40 Post by creep » Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:21 pm

Well...that's something you don't see too often anymore. A really good series finale. Sad to see it go.

For those of you that did not watch this season you really missed out.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#41 Post by JOEinPHX » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:06 pm

Six7Six7 wrote:There is no way in hell we're going to get a reasonable ending in only three seasons. I feel like there are way too many layers of this.
I stand corrected.

That was fantastic.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#42 Post by crater » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:16 pm

Just finished the final episode. I thought it was incredible. That last bit with Nora describing everything. I loved it.

I'm going to miss this show.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#43 Post by creep » Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:23 am

My only minor complaint was that they should of left Laurie dead.

Was Nora telling the truth?

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#44 Post by blackula » Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:55 am

Great show, thought the ending was perfect.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#45 Post by farrellgirl99 » Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:13 am

creep wrote:My only minor complaint was that they should of left Laurie dead.

Was Nora telling the truth?
I agree about Laurie - I think that episode was my favorite of the season because of its emotional weight. I'm not super upset she's alive because maybe the phone call with her kids changed her mind, but I think it would have been better to leave it open ended.

Midway through the finale I was a little ??? but I think they pulled it together with that last scene. I don't know if Nora is telling the truth, but I love that it doesn't matter for this show. It just matters that people believe each other and connect with each other.

Gonna miss this show, it was so good.

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Re: The Leftovers (HBO)

#46 Post by chaos » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:17 am ... eview.html

In Its Series Finale, ‘The Leftovers’ Crosses Beautifully to the Other Side of Grief

Carrie Coon in “The Leftovers.” Credit Ben King/HBO

“The Leftovers” cycled through several theme songs in its final season. In its wonderful series finale, “The Book of Nora,” it returned to “Let the Mystery Be,” by Iris DeMent, whose lyrics begin:

Everybody is wonderin’ what and where they all came from
Everybody is worryin’ ’bout where they’re gonna go when the whole thing’s done
But no one knows for certain —

“The Book of Nora” asks, in a fittingly tricky and full-hearted way: Suppose you did know? Would certainty fix anything?

For three seasons, uncertainty was this HBO series’ address. It was set in the aftermath of the Sudden Departure, in which 2 percent of the world’s population instantly vanished.

We never learned why the 2 percent departed. We may or may not have learned where. (More on that in a moment.) What we do know is that 100 percent of us will depart this life. Coming to terms with that knowledge is the burden of love, the font of religion and the true subject of “The Leftovers.”

The finale returns to Nora Durst (Carrie Coon), whose husband and two kids departed seven years ago. She’s become a professional skeptic — her job is debunking bogus departure claims — with a secret: She still, achingly, wants to believe.

In the final season, she comes to Australia, ostensibly to expose a group of scientists who have built a device — let’s call it the Departurizer 3000 — they claim can zap occupants to wherever the departed went.

It may be a fraud, a suicide machine. But she wants in.

The machine is a kind of birth-death device. To leave this world, you curl up, naked and fetal, in a sphere of irradiated fluid. We begin the episode with Nora readying to surrender to it. We return to her, decades older, living alone in the Australian countryside, wearing a haunted look.

Can we talk about Carrie Coon’s eyes for a minute? They should be registered as emotional weapons — deep sapphire lasers that simultaneously suggest intense outward focus and inner emotional vertigo. In the alternative universe where “The Leftovers” is justly recognized by the Emmys, she would be a lock.

The script, by the show’s creators, Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta, from a story by Mr. Lindelof and Tom Spezialy, is an elegant construction, directed luminously by the “Leftovers” veteran Mimi Leder. It’s a sci-fi tear-jerker, “2001” as a rom-com.

Carrie Coon and Justin Theroux in the series finale of “The Leftovers.” Credit Ben King/HBO

When Kevin (Justin Theroux, in silver-fox mode) finds Nora, he claims at first that their romance never happened. Are we in another reality? His appearance — and that of Laurie (Amy Brenneman), who had seemed to commit suicide in an earlier episode — briefly suggests a “sideways” universe, as in the final season of Mr. Lindelof’s “Lost.”

“Lost” was one of TV’s most thrilling entertainments, whose finale provided emotional closure but not enough answers for many fans. “The Leftovers,” one of TV’s most moving meditations, used some of the same devices and sly wit to examine how we muddle through a life that denies our most longed-for answers.

It seems at first that we will get a more definitive explanation than I would have expected. Nora tells Kevin that she did cross over to where the departed are — an Earth, the other half of a cosmic locket, that lost 98 percent of its people. Having spied her older, healthy children and husband happy, she decided she was a “ghost” there, and came back.

I will confess that my left brain had issues with the Departurizer’s actually having worked (as I innocently assumed it did on first watching). Would it never have occurred to its inventor, before Nora found him on the other side, to build a machine for the return? Would no one from the blighted orphan world have crossed back?

But maybe none of it happened. Nora’s scene in the tank is edited so that we hear her just begin to cry out. Did she say, “Stop,” then make up a cover story? Is the book of Nora fiction?

The episode, after all, includes a pattern of lies. Kevin lies; the scientists accuse Nora of lying; Nora’s brother, Matt (Christopher Eccleston), agrees to tell people whatever she wants him to about her disappearance. Even the nun — on top of her suspicious denial about the fellow climbing down from her window — bases the wedding-pigeon business she runs with Nora on the fib that the birds are “delivering messages of love to the world” when they’re really just high-tailing it back to Nora’s. “It’s just a nicer story,” she says.

You know what? It is a nicer story. And while we could spin out dissertations for or against Nora’s tale — à la “Is Tony Soprano dead?” — this is the point at which my left brain can take a hike.

The episode frames the ending to emphasize not the facts of the story but its telling and its audience. You can believe Nora or not. What matters is that Kevin does, instinctively. He’s a ghost too, and that makes them kindred spirits. “Why wouldn’t I believe you?” he says. “You’re here.”

You can call that faith. You can call it love. The final answer of “The Leftovers” is that those are two words for the same thing.

Carrie Coon and Justin Theroux in the series finale of “The Leftovers.” Credit Ben King/HBO

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